I hold a bump on my armpit.?

Im positive it is not a razor bump. The bump is lower than the skin.


Procardia to stop preterm contractions?

It could be a sebaceous cyst, from swollen hair follicles. Skin trauma can also induce a cyst to form. A sac of cell is created into which a protein called keratin is secreted.

These cysts are usually found on the frontage, neck, and trunk. They are usually slow- growing, painless, freely movable lumps beneath the skin. Occasionally, however, a cyst will become inflamed and tender.

Go to the doctor!

What happend to my interval?

what is you question?

When i am have intercourse?

Ok, go to your doctor, receive it checked out asap.

Relacore and Birth Control Pills?

a type of mole, that is skin colored. i enjoy them there too but they save multiplying. go to a dermotologist and receive them removed. you will be fine.

Did you have stress for your first sex (ladies), too?

I once have something like what your describing, I imagine it could be a pore that got infected. Mine go away after a few days. But maybe you should enjoy your doctor check it out to be sure.

How can I lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks?

You better bring that checked out, it could just be an ingrown tresses. If you were just now pregnant it could be a backed up milk duct. Either approach, check it out with a doctor. Jennifer

Please answerim worried?

possibly a lymph node. they can go and get swollen for a variety of reason. most aren't serious, and the swelling will go down. however, it may be a upright idea to draw from it checked out.

Ladies please help, Periods?

it could freshly be one of those fatty tissue bumps and it will go away. but no situation go to your gyno an dget checked. it may newly be a cyst or it could be more. the it could be more is the reason why to progress get it checked dont dawdle dont second guess it just gross the apt if you have to appropriate a friend and go. it could be trademark a big diff in you life span and either means of access it will put your mind at ease a short time ago to know what it is.

Is it normal for sex to hurt if you haven't be sexually active for a while?

Are you taking prozac or any anti depressant? Prozac have been agreed to cause lymph node bumps lower than the arm pits.

Can I get pregnant if Im have sex during my last daylight of my periods?

as gross as it sounds...it could be a blind down...but i might get it checked out if it doesnt jump away soon

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