How do you know if you need a breast cutback?


How do i?

Back pain, nouns pain, shoulder stomach-ache, grooves in your shoulders from your breasts person so heavy, rash under your breasts, rolling over in bed and pinching your nipples next to your elbow, etc.
Reduction Feb 2006
38J to 38C

Could PlanB be causing my cramps?

severe backache... or when your breasts touch your toes... lolx

Im due contained by 7 days and i noticed lots of clear discharge when i woke up?

When you start have back problems i guess.

Irregular period/ possible pregnancy.?

If you suffer contained by any way from your huge breasts.

Girls with breast implant please answer?

-you have subsidise pain from them
-poor posture because of your breasts
-neck pain
-lower pay for pain when bending or leaning
-a pulling sensation on your shoulders
-you cannot see your toes if you look straight down
-your bra make indents on your shoulders
-you are over a DD cup

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