Ladies please abet, Periods?

I have immediately been have them for 6 years I am 18. Now I can handle the blood side but it's the constant entail for choclate and the few pounds of water around my stomach I put on since, and sore boob's, and when people tramp into you i juust want to cry. I went to Sainsbury's today and one of the workers walk into me i though i was going to burst into tears beside the pain. I am also so sensitive 24/7. I know everyone gets it but how do others cope near it?

My friend kimmie needs a nouns band, a makeover and some penicillin, where on earth can she get it adjectives at the same place?

Hmmmm - we've adjectives been near. Not much you can really do about it, I'm afraid. Hot hose down bottle, couple of paracetemol and a box of Thornton's best is all I can recommend.

PMT is a nightmare - I hold screaming fits once a month, regular as clockwork. Just recognise what's happening to you, and be prepared for it.

What can be other reason for delayed periods except pregnancy?

Oh hunni, your age doesn't relieve. Unfortunately its part of person a woman as horrible as it is, have you thought around taking Oil of Evening Primrose or Star Flower Oil capsules, innate remedies for easing the monthly syptoms. Hope this helps, polite luck x

I am 14, 5'3 almost 5'4 , I want to grow up to 5'7 IS IT POSSIBLE?

PMS is terrible.I basically try to avoid humans as much as possible for those 3 or 4 days!

What is a hymen?

you could try taking oil of evening primrose capsule, raspberry tea good for bloating. If you are on the contraceptive pill move about and see your GP and ask for a different one as they all hold different hormones mixtures in them and it's a luggage of finding a right one for you. i used to be very sad and feeling down but be swapped to a pill with more oestrogen and get the impression so much better. hope that helps.

Zoloft or another drug that might work?

If it suits you, going on the pill can be a lifesaver. My period are lighter, less bloody, predictable and the water retention and sore boobs haven't gone completely but are much much smaller amount of a problem.

Your GP can assess your suitability to go on the pill and, if the first one you try doesn't help/suit you, you can try another until you find one that help.

I found the need for chocolate didn't be in motion away but I figure that's only me not my hormones!!

How can I make my extent cramps go away!?!?

Star Flower Oil capsule became an complete life investor for me.

They control your hormones really well, so very well in reality that I take them adjectives month round now and I'm within such a good mood adjectives the time that I'm starting to freak people out.

You can buy them anywhere too, they're not some chance drug that no one have ever heard of, I buy mine in most supermarkets (they're pretty expensive in boots) but they cost me give or take a few lb2 for a months worth.

Good luck. x

Early Menastruation Cycle?

Aww, you should really go to the doctors =)

Are my breasts too small?

There is a great book call 'Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition' by Marilyn Shannon which I think you should read. You will find some really great and practical proposal. You periods should not be hell.

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