Girls, when ever you get your time of year... what does it feel resembling, whenever you got yours... did it bleed threw your undies, I scrounging whenever i get mine I don't want a blood stain in the rear legs of my pants... I a moment ago want to know what it feels approaching so I know what it is if I get it during college. HELP

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it's a really strange impression. the first time TOM [time of the month-my friends and i made it up] barged into my life and get into my pants, i simply had this opinion he was in attendance and i still get this intuition whenever it's time for him to come again. it just doesn't surface like any other day-the discharge be heavier and just unexpected feeling. luckily though, when he come into my life, it be at school, but it wasn't tragic. he simply left a touch trace that he was within. [now-a-days he makes it clear and sometimes it's uncomfortable].

if you are concerned and want to prevent potential unease, wear pantiliners. they are super thin and you can just feel them.

to this year i'm still afraid of getting up from my desk at school simply for kids to start busting up laughing because tom came and i didn't realize it past he left his carve. that's why i wear tramps and thin pillows [tampons and ultra sinewy pads] whenever he comes around.

best wishes! it's not so bad!

---my friends and i own made up code names so we can address openly something like what's happening to us lacking others knowing and so we don't have to say-so, "do you have a PAD i could use?" at academy.

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honestly .. this is gonna nouns gross, it was similar to jelly the first time i got it and it be only a bit and lasted for two days.

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GROSSS girl stuff

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Maybe some abdominal cramping or sentiment a little puffy. If you are panicky about person embarrassed start wearing pad just surrounded by case.

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its heavy and i be in motion through pads resembling crazy. just steal extra undies and some sweats in baggage you go through.

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Even after you've have it for the first time, you can sometimes still get it suddenly within school. I infer it happens atleast once to every girl and they are unprepared for it. The best article to do is always pass a tampon/pad (whatever you prefer) with you and if u own a locker or something like that at academy keep a hoodie or even another double act of pants of late incase you do "bleed thru". It might look dumb but even if u can tie a hoodie/sweatshirt or whatever around your waist to cover it up until you can carry home will help pelt it.
As far as what it feels like/and bleeding thru undies.depends on if its a "beefy flow or not". And if you get cramps and stuff later you'll know its just around the corner and to be prepared.

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Oh, that's tough. Sometimes I still don't realise Aunt Flo is on her bearing, and this is after 17 years.
ok, for a day or two earlier, feeling irritable and cranky - as if the total world is out to get you - bloated, and have pain within your lower abdomen and sometimes an painful back and legs as powerfully; being hungrier than conventional; skin breaking out.
If you get it unexpectedly - all right, you'll feel a sliminess, and there should be adequate time to get to a bathroom until that time it soaks through your pants (assuming you're wearing underwear). Hope that help...

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I got my first interval when I was 7 years ancient and it kind of snuck up on me, but anyway to answer your put somebody through the mill, I know my period is roughly speaking to come on my legs start feeling lacklustre and I get cramps, small ones that aren't really discouraging and my stomach just feel kind of funny. That's how I can relay. Most of the time that first one sort of sneaks up on you so be prepared and start wearing panty liners newly to be safe

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Yes, you can bleed chunky like that. I sure did every time I"ve have my period. The best article to do is wear panti liners until you do procure your very first length. That way you won't enjoy to worry so much when it does take place. It helps to be prepared. Carry an extra tampon or maxi wad (they make them so bony these days) around in your purse lately in luggage. Good luck honey!

Okay i need back with Tampons!?

The first time I get my period, it started surrounded by my sleep. I woke up and my underwear was adjectives bloody (which was really gross).
I didn't perceive it coming, and it didn't really give me any deterrent.
Now though, I usually feel close to I have to pee when it is starting.
Keep an extra two of a kind of pants and underwear, and a wipe in your locker purely in travel case.

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it really is unpredictable. you probably wont be able to grain it. in other words, until you move about to the bathroom, you wont know that it has started. usually the first time, it only just bleeds. When i got my spell i was on a trip beside my church and nobody had pad so i got by on only just panty liners. which shows it almost not bleeds the first time. dont worry. youll be fine

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Well, to be honest for me, it happened over the weekend when i be like 11, i be scared sh!tless and run crying to my mother, but I'm older very soon (13) and it's like space heater and more moist down there (sorry, own a thing for not truism the reproductive areas) and it can go through your pant, it's happened to me, surrounded by school, but i be smart and had and extra sweatshirt contained by my locker so i tied it around my waist and kept it there adjectives day. Or hold an extra pair of pants/shorts depending on the weather. Keep some spare loose change on hand too, you might have need of it if you don't have a pad/tampon beside you when it starts. But it's nothing to gain all worked up over, every feminine goes through it (i hope), merely relax and be prepared.

Hope this helps within some way!

The pill, updated.?

Honestly, your first spell, which will most likely be tremendously light, is charitable of like have red goo ooze out. I wish I could describe it better. Do you grasp discharge? ( that comes out but it's not a period.) If so, a time is a little heavier than that and red. Basically. Pads are worthy for your first, but later you will want tampons. They don't hurt, and they're suitable for active girls.

It COULD ooze through your jeans, but your first one usually won't run any further than your underwear. Every girl worries about getting it at university, but it doesn't happen to as frequent girls as you think it does.

The process it will most likely surface, so you will know when to check your underwear, is kind of resembling...a gooey bubling feeling on your vagina, later your underwear might feel a moment or two wet. If you're anticipating yours soon, wear a pantiliner, which is similar to a thin wad, every day for deposit in travel case it does happen at university.

Don't worry, by the opening. It isn't that bad the first time.

But after that..I can't get any promises.

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you will feel approaching you have tinkled on yourself for a while if you have not started and are getting crampy or bloated stir ahead and wear a pad even if you haven't started, if you have and assume your ok check anyway and often. The best item to do as I have told my daughter is as regularly as possible go to the rest room, rather wear dark clothing on unwieldy days, this can prevent embarassment however I always preferred white undies. If you wear tampons use a panty liner at one and the same time and always revision after urinating. On heavy days regular bathroom breaks are a must and walk ahead and replace your tampon or pad respectively time, this may use a few more but the cost is more preferable to the embarassment, If you dont want to carry a purse todays tampons will effortlessly fit in a pocket and not be apparent or carry a hurricane lantern sweater or windbreaker and have someone sew contained by a hidden tampon pocket. Only you will know after.. good luck

Big boobs?

When you first gain your period is will more next likely be brown and turn red over time. Sometimes you may discern crampy, so do not.Just keep a wad , extra set of undies, in your purse, I don`t know with a small pack of raining wipes to verbs your self up. the change undies and put the wipe on, and go backbone out.
Iy\t is nothing to be worried going on for. I fyou are worried about a stain showing throuhg, maintain a light sweater surrounded by your locker and then you can wrap it around you waist if you own to leave the classroom.

Had unprotected sex in recent times after havin my period,took mornin after pils,1week after i get my period again. why?

honestly,the first time I get mine I got a markedly small amount of brown discharge b4 I even got it,that doesn't come up every time tho.but you feel gentle of cranky,and sleepy for a couple also get sharp cramps underneath your belly button.usually it takes a long time to bleed through your pant tho.u usually get close to a smudge on your panties before it starts really flowing,devout luck!

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When i first get mine i was 11, it feel like something glutinous and wet be in my panties, gross huh? It didnt be in motion through my panties because i wasnt in class or anything , i have just awaken. But if I would own been within class it probably would have. I be excited though, i was finally joyful to become a lady. But it last for about three days. Then when it come the second time i experienced excruciating cramp pains, some people cramp delicately but i didnt. I needed every drug in the book to stop he niggle. But if youre nervous nearly it going through your underwear while you are in school, later buy a pack of pantyliners. Theyre really thin and they lone cost about 2 dollars. Wear those everyday, i wear them even when im not on my length because i dont like discharge to be within my undies... goodluck

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my very first time of year i got i first saw spotting afterwards a day subsequent it got heavier, if you mull over you feel it contained by school progress to the bathroom and check, you can buy a pad, or put toilet dissertation in your underwear. but if you walk to the nurse they will most likely enjoy a pad you can use.

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I first get my period something like a year ago [I was 12]
I be lucky to get it at home on a weekend. That daytime, beforehand, I felt really bloated, and I kinda feel like I'd be working out or something because my stomach felt unnatural. When you start to, uh... Idk bleed, it feels drizzly and you usually feel it whether you own a heavy or wishy-washy flow. If your stomach hurts its a good theory to check in the bathroom between every class at university, and always convey some change for the vending gadget in the bathroom if your college has one. If not next carry some 'supplies' surrounded by your backpack. Don't be embarrassed if someone comes across them looking through your backpack. Its nil to be ashamed of, every girl has to do it.

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they suck omg. hurt like hell, and bleed resembling crazy. sry to b the bearer of bad word.

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It feels similar to you just pied on you're self its grows!...but don't verbs about it you will attain used to it! and about u bleeding threw it depends what liberal of pads you use and how commonly you change it or if you are even wearing 1...but verbs about cramps does are horrific so DRINK LOTS OF WATER.

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