Anyone know what these little red spots on my frontage are?

For the last two months right earlier my period my frontage breaks out into small red spots all over my face. I enjoy never had problems beside my skin breaking out before. I am a 39 yr aged female. They don't itch at adjectives and are only on my facade. They only ending a few days and then disappear again--until my subsequent period. This pms symptom seem to have come out of nowhere as I enjoy never had it earlier. I looked up acne but the spots don't resemble or fit the description of any type of acne (and besides they completely disappear in a few days). Wondering if anyone have this happen and is in attendance a term for it? Is it related to hormonal shifts? The spots are not pus packed nor do they itch--they just mysteriously appear and after disappear?

Yasmin BC sun start or day one start?

i have the same problem, small red bumps that come and travel mysteriously. i talked to my doctor in the region of it and he said its probably just from the surge of hormones that come right after ovulation. he told me around this stuff his wife uses called "aveeno clear complexion" ... it comes contained by a tall tube thats green and white.i get it at walmart for about 8 or 9 bucks and i started using it the morning i ovulate until the day my interval ends, and to tell you the truth.. it doesnt rid me of them completely but presently I only receive 1 or 2 instead of 5 or 6. so to me its worth it. also try exfoliating your face every 3 days to take home sure you get adjectives the dead skin sour, to lessen the chance of those pesky little bumps popping up.

Is asian woman and america woman breast indistinguishable. i think asian is smaller but impressively jiggling?

They could be hormonal spots. Sort of similar to what new born babies seize.

Abnormal growthcan anyone suggest reasons for this?

They are pimples, and it's totally middle-of-the-road to break out into pimples before your time of year.

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