I am 14 and i haven't have my period is this middle-of-the-road?


Changing birthcontrol?

Just wait for it. Some girls don't win theirs until they are 16.

It will happen when your body is angelic and ready for it.


Yes this is conventional. If you don't get your interval by time you are 16 then see a doc to be sure things are ok but for immediately you are fine.

First period?

You're so lucky. Your menstrual cycle is something you're going to enjoy to live with for 40-50 years.

Don't verbs so much it's normal. My niece get it when she was solitary 9 YEARS OLD! My other niece got it when she be 16 close to 17 years old.

You'll probably bring it soon. Make sure you have pad in handy only just in baggage.

Is Squirting for Real?

It is normal, but if you haven't have your period by the time you are 16 you should see a doctor. You will know you're going to start your term soon if it has be 2 years since your breasts began to develop, soon after you grow pubic spike, or after you start to notice some vaginal discharge.

I requirement help from the girls!!?

lol its without a flaw normal every girl starts at different times, if your worried chitchat to your mom and see when she started you'll usually start around the same age your mom started. you'll probably start it inside the next 3 years if you haven't started if by the time your 16 or 17 you might want to settle to your doctor. hope this helped. perfect luck!

White no-odour vaginal discharge?

it's normal, i get it when i was in the region of to celebrate my 15th birthday. anyway, progress for a visit if you still dont own it when you are 16

When you are about to enjoy sex should you shave all your pubic spike off?

you are one messed up party. everyone has it at the ripe age of 13. jk its totally majority. my sister that is 19 years old-fashioned hasnt
had it but and her doctor said it is normal.

Heartburn, stress or heart attack?

your totally fine
everygirl starts at a different age.
i started at 16
my mom started at 15
and my sister started at 13
its all different dont verbs you'll start when ur ready!

Does a man own to to get pregnant or can it dribble out before?

If it make you feel any better I am 14 and i havent gotten mine any!

Will my doctor take me seriously?

OMG! I thought here was something wrong near me too. so it's normal? COOL. everyone else have had near's though

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