(Girls) What else can I do for menstural pains?!?! mine are KILLER?

I cant stop my cramps and pains.. they HURT sooooooooooooo bad! I took an advil since I dont own midol... and I dont know what else to do? Please help

Gf periods?

Midol really works for my cramps. You can also cart birth control pills. Some brands decrease menstrual cramps.

Are near any vaginal suppositories for preventing recurrent uti? infection while pregnant?

Take 1 ibuprofen and tramp and excersize, I have a wife who have problems and knew some othr ladies who have problems, but be sure you talk to your doctor first.

I have brown discharge/blood before my interval and then it be very lightwhat could this be?

Try taking Advil a few days formerly you next monthly, because the neurotransmitters surrounded by the brain signals for the cramps to happen. If you can stop the signals previously they start they wont be so bad.

If my concluding period be on the 24th of may and my period is delayed but my test be negative what should i do?

2 Tblsp Bragg's(organic w/mother)apple cider vinegar mixed near 1/4 tsp baking soda(arm and hammer), dissolved in 8-16oz of unfiltered gayla apple juice(organic).
This worked for me! I had pains so bleak that I'd go to the ER! I'd roll around on the floor and be out of comission for at smallest 3 out of the 5 days of my cycle! Now, I am pain free!

p.s. you can do the ACV + Baking Soda mix in marine, juice, or plain...Yes, it taste like pure hell, but if you can find the liquid I recommended, you won't taste the ACV at adjectives!

Good Luck! Go to the website below for more natural misery relievers:

Very faint potion of positive procession on pregnancy test 2 hours subsequently.?

I know exactly how you feel. I usually enjoy to miss school when mine start. I usually steal Midol or Advil and then use a heat pad. Sometimes those don't work for me. When that happen I try to relax and fall asleep. I've found that after wake up my cramps are gone. Everyone is different though.

Good luck, hope this helps.

Help! I'm a Stressed Teenager!?

RUN TO THE STORE AND BUY ALL THE MIDOL THEY HAVE and hide away some for me thankyou!! i get awful cramps that fashion me throwup and collaps someone told me i should go to the doctor i dont know why...now i hold a question for yahoo too!

I enjoy been on zoloft for reasonably some time and I am weining myself off of them but I am sense irratable,?

Depending on how long you've been have periods, it may be worthwhile taking to your doctor around going on the pill.
My periods be always bloody, but after childbirth and stopping breastfeeding, they were EXCRUICIATING! I go back on the pill and in a minute take them consistently (eg. don't whip the sugar pills) so- no period, no cramp!
It is ok to do this for a few months in a row, sometimes longer, but YOU NEED TO TALK TO A GP FIRST!
Good luck hon!

Ok um girls please?


How repeatedly do you masturbate a week?

I can't stand cramp eitner ,aughhh...my friend told me to drink something hot like coffee or hot tea they do minister to me...If i dont have any pills beside me to take..by the style i can;t sleep with cramps .. it maintain me awake all hours of darkness...Iwish i can get over my menstural time of year ,PERIOD!! been a 42 year older got a long opening to go...

I hold mono!!!?

Get a hot water bottle or a heat pad and put it on ur stomach. they abet soo much. Try to get some sleep to.

What exactaly does it imply for a woman to ovulate?

I got on birth control pills they worked for me.

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