Can we find out before our marriege that if we going 2 hold kids?

i just needed 2 know that b4 having sex or b4 our marriege can we know that if be gonna get pregnant or not?

i really wana know motive after ur marriege it'll be quite embarassing & not a upright news 4 our husbands 2 know that we cant EVER bring pregnant.

Women.. I need some sustain.. =\?

Well I dont know where you live but contained by UK Boots the chemist now supply a home fertility kit which have tests contained by it for both men and women and costs around lb75. Its called Fertell I believe.

Okay.i've be having some down problems with my spike,and what should i do for my hair to grow hindmost?

well u can discuss it yes buuuuuuuut..

ever heard of adopt?

not being competent to have children doesnt bring in u n e less of a woman or man.

Is my vaginia usual?

there are ways to test YOUR fertility, yes, but after what about HIS? And if youre married to this human being, you have committed your enthusiasm to this person, would you really want to start out him or hate him if he happen to be infertile, completely against his control? No. When you marry someone you take everything that comes beside them and you support them even through tough times. If you or your husband could not have children it should be no point to break up or get cracked at each other.

Is it purely depression?

sure y not haha...

Women, Nurses, Doctors Only please?

Your OB/GYN should be able to refer you to a fertility specialist, if they themself are not one.

However, some trialling, (for women) can be expensive and is not always covered by strength insurance.

Stopping OTC-Lo?

Have a fertility test or shift and see the doctor and discuss it with he/she as they will be capable of run some tests, im sure you will be fine..... dont verbs

OUCH! How do I manage the worst tummy cramps?

yes.. you can walk to the doctors have them do a check that sees if your ovulation is perfect or not..ya know to see if your eggs are dropping and if they are in good shape! and for the guys they should recount thier doctor that they want to get a sperm count..the doctor will refer them to the right doctor to do that...

Must a girl who own first time sex will be bleeding in its virgina?how come if not?

Your husband to be is marry you for you, not what you can provide to/for him.

Girls answer only and doctors?

This is an out of the ordinary suggestion, there are I suppose 2 simple test that could be carried out. You could have a daytime 21 progesterone to confirm you are ovulating and he can have a sperm count. However even if these are both average it does not guarantee than conception will occur.

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