Women, Nurses, Doctors Only please?

I am 23 years old. I own been have some bleeding and I thought it was my time of year but then it stopped. Well My husband and I be having sex and when we be done he was approaching oh you must be starting your period because in attendance was similar to a redish brownish tent. So I am like oh ok. But a couple days go by and no period. Then yesterday when I wipped I have some red blood on the toilet paper so I put a tampon within. But when a took it out several hours later at hand was No time of year. And today there is nil. I started my period end month on the 20th. So I should have it immediately right? Is this normal ?Does this start to other women as well?

My daughter who is 11 is have stomach pains every morning?

Check for pregnancy...this happened to me at a couple weeks or so.

I get off my term 2 wks ago & yesterday night i woke up frequently to pee & here was blood?

Is it possible that you're pregnant? Implantation bleeding, which happen with the fertilized eggs implant, usually occurs give or take a few two weeks after ovulation. Many women mistake this for their period because it usually occur at the same time the spell should occur. However, it's usually MUCH lighter and quicker, which seem to be what you're describing. You might want to take a pregnancy theory test. If it is negative, look into seeing your doctor, as it can be a sign of an infection or untimely signs of cervical cancer.

Waxing vagina?

It has happen to me before..sort of spotty next started a full period a few days subsequently. I would wait a few more days next if you still haven't started you may need to run a pregnancy test. That have also happened to me when I be pregnant. Good Luck~

I have be bleeding non stop for 9 months, what could it be?

It sounds like you are have break through bleeding. This can happen if you are on birth control. It also can be spotting if you are pregnant. It sounds close to a trip to your ob/gyn would be the best answer.

Well on my last give somebody the third degree I said after i had sex something be hanging.?

I deliberate you should go and obtain this checked out because im not very sure this should be going on so i suggest to go and see a doctor Good Luck ;] x

Why did my period stop?

I think you should trade name a appointment with your ob/gyn Dr or relatives Dr., it could be a number of things

Yo some give support to here?

you really could be pregnant see a doctor

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