Why have i missed a extent?
WTF lately came out of my fun hole!?
It depends really how long you enjoy been taking the pill if you own been taking it for longer than 6 months progress and get a pregnancy theory test if it comes back denial then move about and see your doctor, If you have be taking it less than 6 months next it might just be getting in to routine shift and get a pregnancy interview any way of late to be safe as taking the pill while pregnant can impair the baby but it might be zilch to worry more or less. Do bare within mind that there is still a slight risk of getting pregnant while taking the pill. Hope this help you
I stopped the pill 4 months ago and I still haven't gotten my period.?
My wife get pregnant on the pill... so have a couple of my sisters friends. Buy a tester and find out.I can't profess to knowing wwomens menstral cycle details etc but I can recount you it can happen its not as unlikely as you have an idea that.
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If you had unprotected sex I would shift take a pregnancy oral exam. If you have be taking your pill for a long time and had no previous missed period then this may be the result. But you could hold had a stomach bug which can affect the pill and period but you say you have sex and if you didnt use a condom you do need to walk see your GP.My girlfriend is a month late and still no sign of her extent?
You defintely need to jump to the dr. Some medications will create your bc pills not to work and semen can live inside of you for like 72 hours so explicitly 3 days. If you have ovulated within those 3 days and the semen is still there and after you missed your pill, well here is a high arbitrary you may be pregnant. There are several reasons for a missed term but with you have sex then you defintely stipulation to get to a dr asap.Do you kid yourself during the first miserable day of your menstrual?
That come about a lot y'adjectives how it again here is my e-mail if you want to be friends [email protected]b a b y coming!!
could be pregnant but mayb not just whip a test and next panic!
go to see your doctor.You might be pregnant if you took other pills)some variety of mediciation "makes pills weak"and your contraception doesnt work properly.Dont madness yet!You could miss your term because of strees!Oh,I have forgotten-have you vomited?If yes and it be less than 6 hours after taking a pill,it method this pill doesnt work and it's like you didnt clutch this pill.anyway,dont panic until you're really pregnant.Go to see ur doc,it will be alright.
Sorry for my English
it may purely be that your body is getting used to you not taking the pill, give your bodt time to adjust.. but if you're really worried going on for it, take a pregnancy experiment...
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