Why would I be fancy this..?

for about a month and a partially now, i enjoy been hunch pain within both my sides. i am pretty sure it is in my intestines. and i've be bloated now for give or take a few 2 weeks. could the bloating be associated with the backache? what could the problem be? should i see my doctor about this? please lend a hand.

What plastic applicators are colored in tampon brands? What are the brands & hold u ever seen aqua/teal color?

There are tendons connecting your uterus to ? right subsequent to your hips. I suppose that if your uterus is bloated then they verbs. I experienced this during pregnancy when I would stand up after sitting. It felt approaching a pulling right above the hips but on the front of the body. Sometimes I couldn't just stand right up, but have to "ease up". Is this a similar sensation?

When I hold had pains that I associate near my intestine, it hasn't been symmetrical and have been greatly very sharp and nouns almost immediate afterwards (but repeated).

If it have been a month, later you ought to go to the doctor. That is of course long enough to verbs about anything on your own.

My spell is late possibly preg? When to check?

I think You Might Be Pregnant With A Lizard. My Firends Friends Friend Had The SAme Problem

I have my period 2 weeks precipitate.?

I'm not sure what it could be, but I suggest you see your doctor RIGHT AWAY!!

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sounds like pains of mortal a woman! i'd go to the doctor, no BIG emergency though, product an appointment...give it a couple days..your body does stuff! doesnt aim its something bad.

I haven't have a period for six months. How do you regulate it?

well it could be any type of infection it could be a bladder infection or even arthritis get hold of it checked

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doctors believe that bloating is usually the result of an intestinal disorder:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS may involve exceptional movements and contractions of intestinal muscles and increased pain sensitivity contained by the intestine that is commonly caused by food allergies. Intestinal disorders may dispense a sensation of bloating because of increased sensitivity to gas.
Any chronic disease that causes intestinal inflammation or hindrance, such as Crohn's disease or colon cancer, may also cause abdominal bloating.

A parasitic infection in the intestines may motivation bloating.
People who have have many operation, adhesions (scar tissue), or internal hernias may experience bloating or agony.
Eating a lot of fatty food can hindrance stomach emptying and incentive bloating and discomfort, but not necessarily too much gas.

Abdominal pain and discomfort. Some population have aching when gas is present in the intestine. When spasm is on the left side of the colon, it can be confused beside heart disease. When the pain is on the right side of the colon, it may mimic gallstones or appendicitis.

Definately see your doctor.

I've be on birth control for about 5 months this is my 2nd brand. this one have been working fine for 3 month

go see the doctor

A query about using tampons?

As a healthcare provider I can report to you from what you described it's difficult for me to accurately diagnosed on that information alone. Yes, see a healthcare provider. A few simple tests could endow with a lot of information. Your provider will call for to know how long this has be going on? 'Does anything you take trade name it feel better even for for a while while.Your provider will also inguire about your usual diet. And nearby wil be more..so yes see a provider.

Size 14 or zero- what's healthier?

I wouldn't be looking for professional opiouns on here!! Best to see your doctor as soon as possible!! Most of us can merely guess what is wrong!! We don't really know!!

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