I can't take Advil. Is in attendance anything else?

I am not suppose to take Advil anymore. I took it for so abundant years it damaged my stomach. One pill in a minute and I am bent over in agony. My doctor said take Prilosic consequently I could take it. Well we in a minute know I am allergic to Prilosic. I will be having surgery soon becuase my period are so bad. Long story. Is nearby anything else that can help next to severe cramps? As of now I spend four days a month contained by bed. Most prescription bother me too. I have tylenol 3 but later time that made me sick. It feels hopeless. Any give support to would be great.

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How about Alleve? I believe it is a different chemical than any Tylenol or Advil. You may want to check their site to be sure.

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Try Aleve which is Naproxin.

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My extent has last 10 days, really painful cramps, what's wrong?

Try Motrin after take a nice hot hip bath, afterwards relax with a heat bad on your stomach and if your sense up to it do some gentle exercise. The bake will help relax your muscles and make less burdensome the pain rather as will the exercise. Good luck with your surgery

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I dunno if I be you I would stick with heat pads, hot hose down bottles and therma patches You probably shouldnt put to various more pills in your body till your doctor data it all out

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stomach ulcer are a bacterial infection in most cases so get a culture from your mouth done for that and the party you kiss the bacteria is spread around through exchange of salive contained by a drink can or a kiss or eatingthe same things off a plate or shareing popcorn so own everyone screened for the microbes a good anti biotic could gather you a stomach cancer from the untreated ulcers do a furrow on webmd.com fo more info

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See another doctor...bring another opinion and/or Rx. Something doesn't nouns right. Naproxen can also irritate your stomach

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Well, medication knowledgeable, I am clueless.BUT I do know that a heating wipe and tall cup of milk will go reasonably some way near cramps..also as someone who struggles with taking painkillers (make me nauseous), I enjoy learned that you own to eat a breakfast time before taking them...don't know if you've tried that even so..good luck, and hope everything turns out OK

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For in a minute, I would agree with everyone else until your surgery is over. Use the heat pad, Tylenol and I enjoy tried hot tea before and it have helped. After surgery, homily to your Doctor about taking Nexium (comes in prescription) so you might know how to take Advil again.

Anyway, Good Luck on your surgery. I hope you will be aware of better soon.

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You might want to try another stomach medication other than Prilosic to lessen acid production.

Histamine H2 tart reducers (such as Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, and Axid) reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach.
Proton pump inhibitors (such as Prilosec, Prevacid, Aciphex, Protonix, and Nexium) also use up the amount of acid produced by the stomach (and are more potent than histamine H2 sour reducers).
Antacids neutralize stomach acid.

Read this.

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what about motrin,can you transport that?

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i know how you perceive. Advil is like the merely thing that works and I still hold to take 20 a time. I was told to run Aleve, can you take that?

Did you hear of WONDERUP,thats a pill that claims to variety your breast increase in size over afew months?

Look, ignore some of these answers. If you have an ulcer (stomach pain) from Advil it's matching medicine as motrin and naproxin. Unfortunately, the liberal of NSAIDs that didn't cause ulcer were taken stale the market b/c of heart problems. You can embezzle plan tylenol. If tylenol 3 makes you sick, try to pocket it on a full stomach (lots of carbs). You may be a candidate for hormonal dream therapy to help regulate your cycles and to sustain w/ the cramping.

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