Hairy women... why dont you shave? Are you a feminist?

I honestly dont get it.
Why dont some women shave?
Are you/ they making a feminist statement or something?

If you use spermicide can you do oral sex after sex or will it bite bad?

I regard hairy women are disgusting! If I met a good-looking, intelligent, interesting, funny woman.. & then found out she have hairy legs & woolly armpits!! She'd be gone!!
Is it really so difficult to put in that little bit of extra application & time? Saying you dont have time is a cop out. Saying you are making a statement.. in good health fair adequate, you are making a statement... "Im a dirty, hairy woman who doesnt bother roughly her personal grooming."

Does your period territory on the same date every month or does it regulation?

I think its objectionable when women don't shave. Hello! we are supposed to be beautiful, and that is to say far from it.

A quick question for GIRLS ONLY.?

Depends. I shave, but I can get away near not shaving for weeks on my legs because my hairs of so scraggy.

Am I too young to own an overactive thyroid?

Hey - to each their own. I'm sure that given the opportunity to voice their opinion, THEY might find something offensive roughly YOU. So don't worry in the region of it.

When I go past its sell-by date my birth control pills I get sick? Why?

Stupidity possibly?

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Not adjectives of them. Some of them have mate that like their fuzzy legs. Some of them don't want to shave and don't care what anyone think. Some just don't approaching shaving period. Some might own religious objections. Finally in that are those who would have shaved if they'd remembered to. Now it's too belatedly. Oh well.

Skin lighteners?

I don't devise body/facial hair ever hurt anybody. If someone doesn't want to consequently that is their business. Not everybody is as shallow and superficial as some may construe you are =)

Am I suppose to get another time?

Because I hate shaving. It take way to much time and is pointless

Can you relief me with condoms and things?

Maybe it's because they discern beautiful and raw that they don't shave..but I think that's sick because especially within the summer, it gets hot and humid and your sweating especially the ampits, it's vastly disgusting, in the winter ok i mean whose going to se you but summer, you own to shave, it takes 2 mins to shave. Or i give attention to some women are lazy

I am 13 and i dont wear a bra!?

I don't shave because it hurts my skin. After I shave, I can't shave again for at least possible two weeks, because my skin breaks out into bumps and then I break out next to ingrown hairs--very bad, infected ingrown hair. I've tried waxing, but every brand I've tried over the counter merely removes about partially the hair, and tears up my skin so I'm bloody and still furred. My skin is just drastically, very sensitive to hackle removal products, whether it be creams, mousses, waxes, shaving, etc.; I simply can't use them repeatedly at all. I single shave maybe five or six times a year, for special occasion, because my skin can't handle over the counter methods, and I can't afford to enjoy my hair professionally removed---maybe someday though.

Besides that, though, it take me about a partially hour longer in the shower to shave my legs, underarms, and bikini nouns. That is time wasted on an unnecessary and unbased social expectation. What is lovely isn't necessarily beautiful to someone else.

People are different, if someone doesn't want to shave, even if it is for a feminist exact, it shouldn't matter. It's none of your concern if someone shaves or not. I contemplate it's personally sexist that men expect women to shave their legs and underarms for "hygiene" purposes, when they don't do impossible to tell apart.

Preg. tests?

I approaching women natural,to me they are more ripened and beautiful

Im 18yrs hoary female who's worried going on for her nipples that are always relaxed. Is that usual?

i dont know, probably bc they are crazy. i feel really gross if i dont shave ... but everyone have their own opinion and should be capable of do whatever they want.

I hold a PMS question?

apparently european women don't shave- and some religions cant shave/ cut their own curls.

My periods? worried plz comfort ?

Because it's an annoying waste of time. Besides, I should be permitted based on who I am, not how I look. No one have any right to judge me, lest of adjectives based on appearance.

This is wierd / Females just.?

maybe some people freshly dont want to go throught the trouble of shaving. to respectively his own i guess.

I need assist?

maybe they're just trying to build a 'freedom' statement

I really want to improve my solidity and fitness?

cause not everyone thinks shaving everything rotten is hot. i dont like spine on my legs or armpits but shaving down there is stupid. im a woman, not a child. i dont close to looking like one. what is here to get? not everyones impossible to tell apart. or stupid enough to come up with that you HAVE to shave just end in some idiot people ponder you should.

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