I am 13 and i dont wear a bra!?

ok so i dont have boobs, but im 13 so i should be wearing a bra right? im close to the only girl surrounded by gym class without one! it is so embarassing to transformation! any advice?

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You'll get boobs eventually. But if you really want a bra, a short time ago buy one. There are adorable bras out there surrounded by sizes as small as 30AA. http://www.lulalu.com/search.asp?mode=pr...

Women only please?

I'm 39 & don't wear one, any!

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wear a bra. they make bras contained by all sizes.

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buy trainers bras. don't transfer without one. . .

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Then dance buy one! Even if you don't have boobs all the same, it can keep other entry from showing. They make bras within all sizes, even for girls that are flat. You could even attain a training bra.

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i wore a bra at 13 even though i didnt requirement one because it was shameful, so just take some sports bras because they are comfortable and you will be able to find one that fits

I dont believe it!?

Bras aren't age related; they are boob related. You can carry a chest band bra for social reason..

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you could wear a sports bra, or attain a really cute one in a 32 AA or merely a padded 32A size.

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Women develop at different rates, and you can't put an exact time on when you are going to grow breasts. Look at your mother and women in your family to sortve determine how infirm they were when they begin to develop and how large their breasts become.

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aw in good health dont feel embarrased!
you are growing up!
im 15 presently and i was shy and mine be growing
i didnt use a bra cause i thought it be so embarassing

well since you own a diff problem you can buy a training bar or a bra for your size =]

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that happened to me when I be 13. I am still pretty small but I have aways feel like I could be comfortable and be braless at times and it wasn't that striking. Also if cancer ever took my boobs it wouldn't be as tramatic for me than a big boobed woman. Look at the good contained by things.

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don't verbs about what others reflect on , cause who know' they might be wishing they be in your shoes.

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im 13 and i mean im size 32 a i own something but anyways in P.E its really gross to see some girls without a bra. Just buy training bras or carry a really small one i think close to 30 AA? im not sure but u do need one even if its purely a pointy nipple.

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My moral friend didn't at your age either. She be so afraid nothing would transformation. It did when she was 15. It be a little latter then abundant of our friends, but she looked just as wonderful before and after, as anyone else.

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hey! dont worry. im 13 too. trust me. i dun lie back. i even need one. i wear a shirt and it shows. i also do not dare ask my mum. too embarrased! progress to your mum and say can i buy a training bra? i know i dont obligation one but maybe a should buy one for extra support and also for subsequent time. can we go? if she say no then only buy on your own. but i suggest you tell your mum to bring one for you cause she have more experience. hope this helps!

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just get a sports bra for when your shifting. or go to the bra article in the store and seize a small AA bra...even if you dont need a bra, you can still wear one if your concerned in the region of how you look to the other people surrounded by gym.
and its okay..when i was your age i know several girls who didnt wear bras. no big deal. really. =)

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i be embarrassed too, really mortified! but once i asked it was soooo assured, she was totally fine next to it even though i didnt need one, it took alot of guts to ask but after i feel soo relieved because i realized that its not a big business! every girl has to ask for one sometime! devout luck!

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