Never have sex...curious...?

So, I am waiting until I am married to have sex. But I hold hearing that sex really hurts the first time. Is this true? And is it messy the first time? And how do I trademark it less bumpy?

I've had my spell for 3 weeks now. Does anybody know what that vehicle?

There must be something in the air....

As clinical as possible, here can be pain when the hymen breaks upon penatration. There can also be some blood.

The hymen is the shrunken membrane that sometimes covers the opening to the vagina if you're a virgin. I utter "sometimes" because, even if you haven't had sex, the hymen can do a bit of a disappearing deed due to an overzealous workout at the gym, horseback riding, tampons, and even passionate "starchy petting" with your boyfriend. (It's not an impenetrable weir, anyway, as it has holes to allow menstrual blood to escape.)

When you're turned on, the uterus and cervix rise, lengthening the vaginal tube. When his penis penetrates, the walls of the vagina stretch to accommodate the difference.

For some, the first few times net you feel sore, as it's be an unused muscle or even hurt, if you aren't properly lubericated, like the guy is contained by a hurry, doesn't arouse you and your body isn't ready.

When the guy ejaculate, there is a mess, most of it is inside of you. Keep a towel handy. Be sure to pee previously you fall asleep after.

Does it work?

Why are you worried give or take a few that now if you're waiting to return with married... You sound pretty young-looking, focus your attention on school and books a bit than sex.

Can you be pregnant and still have a time with substantial bleeding ?

it's different for everyone. for me it was really prickly and i bled a lot but other women surface little to no pain and don't bleed at adjectives. Use lots of lube and spend a lot of time beside foreplay. Remember to relax your muscles down there because when they are contracted it will cause it harder for penetration and basis even more pain.

Does it hurt?

it didnt really hurt the first time i have sex...
its messy sometimes but sometimes its not...
it all depends on the girl and the size of the guys penis..

I am extent now but surrounded by this morning I have restlessness too, tell me why? or what to do?

sex is other messy.yes it will hurt the first few times. its less tender when your ready for it

Wanting to lose some belly round and lbs in standard?

well you have to relish it! it does hurt a little at first but sex be made for pleasure not pain!

Is it out of danger doing sex during periods?

yes to SOME relations it hurts and you may bleed, but if you do it slowly and with a personality you LOVE then it won't be as uncomfortable.

Missing Periods for the past 4 months, I'm 17 help out!?

Yes sex can hurt a bit during your first time! It can get alittle messy from the lub and if your hyme breaks you can start to bleed! The bleeding from the hyme breaking is not that fruitless though it is like a spotting of blood! There is zilch you can really do to help it from hurting that unpromising, just when that time comes for you recount him to take it undemanding on you since it will be your first time!

Please. Girls Only.?

I have seriously of respect for you wanting to wait until wedding. It can hurt the first time, but if your with someone who truly care for you then he'll be soft and take his time and be kindly. You just enjoy to relax your mind and body and it shouldn't be that bad, it be painful the first and second time after that I be better. Well it can get a touch messy after the man ejaculates or you enjoy an orgasm,but just maintain a hand towel close by by and after a while u won't even think nearly it being messy or throbbing. Just make sure your beside someone who cares and respects you. Take attention to detail.

Black licorice and bleu cheese?

It doesn't hurt if you do it right. The problem is that many couples rush their first time. Guys bring back ready until that time girls and if they don't know better get started formerly she is ready.

Take your time, hold lots of foreplay, have some lubricant on foot just surrounded by case as person nervous will shrink your natural lubrication and own fun. Too often folks think the first time have to be perfect, but it take time to get to know what respectively of you likes and doesn't close to, what feels honest, what doesn't. If it begins to be discomfited, back up a couple of steps (figuratively) and slow down. Don't put the focus on the actual intercourse, but on the process of making love including touching other parts of the body, kissing, stroking, etc.

And unless he's wearing a condom it's messy every time.

Slightly flabby after 3 kidshelp!?

you're one of few American treasures, the ladies have
answered the specifics, but the dude you marry can help
plentifully by being calm, considerate, and taking it slow. Don't
concern yourself with it immediately, you've surely got other bridges
to cross beforehand then that should be of more concern.

Why is it difficult for my boyfriend to enter me we tried but he cant?

If u don't want to sort a mistake that u will regret later on, please zozozo, focus on your studies!
but sex can be sore the first time, cos ur hymen which is your virginity will be broken, sending out the bloods.
but afterwards, i believe you will feel better anytime you hold sex.
Practice safe sex if you can't remain a virgin anymore!
correct luck!!

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