Adnormally lashing flow?

I'm only 14 and enjoy been getting my period since i was 12.
My period last more or less 1 week but the flow is VERY heavy.
I'm paranoid to budge to school.
its bulky for all 6 days and the final day is semi-light.

Is this usual for someone my age?
My sister suggested birth control but am I too young?

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I am 19, and I get my period when I be 10, and it was the exact same passageway for the first couple months. then I only just stopped getting it... but when it came support it was resembling that again. If your mother is in your life I would turn talk to her. How weak is your sister, going on the pill is a big step for someone so young... if you don't hold a mother go to another ADULT woman surrounded by your family. If not, budge to your normal doctor and ask them if you should see a gynecologist. You're so infantile, so your cycle isn't the way it's gonna be for the rest of your vivacity. Mine is perfect immediately, has be since I turned your age... Don't be scared to run to school. Just thieve some trips to the bathroom to make sure you aren't leak. If you use tampons, wear a pad also for extra protection. I know they are self-conscious, but you will be happy you did when you find your tampon leak...
Just ask your mom, or adult feminine in your natural life... they will probably know more than me...
Good Luck!
ps... Advil for cramps... BEST THING IN THE WORLD!! :)

The copper intrauterin device (iud), does it cause problems next to your menstrual cycle?

I was indistinguishable way when I be your age, and am still like that, and I'm 50+. Your sister is probably right. Birth control pills help me, or you can ask your doctor what is best. It's been masses years ago, so I'm not sure if there is something else you can lug. The doctor will be able to backing you with what is best for you. So take home an appointment soon.

I have a red discoloration on the outside of my right breast its tender off and on?

It is usual to see an increase in flow over a couple years of having your extent. For peace of mind change to a heavier flow wipe or tampon, the ones designed for teens can generally solely handle a street lamp flow.

Birth control does help to remove the colour and regulate periods surrounded by some women. If you are comfortable going that route it may be something to talk over beside your doctor.

What exactly is a miscarriage?

it's quite adjectives for adolescent girls to enjoy moderate to heavy flow soon after menarche and may become allright after a couple of years. - it is due to the hormones which enjoy not yet settled down .But since it's bothersome ,as a doctor dealing next to such problems , 1. my first choice is for using . non hormonal drugs of the nonsteroidal anti -infalmmatory group,.A drug like Tranexemic sour is very adjectives taken from the first day of flow , for 3-4 days . or 2. the cyclic hormone treatment make use of drugs similar to birth control pills - tobe taken from the 5th day , and repeated every month. may also inevitability to take some iron supplements as one tend to become anaemic due to the haeavy flow. you may consult the doctor and get the prerequisite prescription.

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