Can you be pregnant and still have a term with large bleeding ?

I just not long had my time of year. However, it was bad and on heavy/light for 18 days! I went to the doctor and as far as I know I'm fine. I've have sex since then and a short time ago one week after I stopped I've started again. (I started on May 30th, ended around June 16th, and started again on the 21st/22nd) It's unwieldy as usual when I start and I was cramping and awareness bloated and everything like majority. Could any of this be a sign that I'm pregnant? The whole week I be not bleeding I was getting cluster headache, feeling exceedingly nauseous to the point where on earth I threw up twice, I have be having mood swings, I be aware of like my body is out of wack, I'm other tired, and I've been have a lot of gas. I don't consider it's stress but it could be. I just don't want to even reflect on that I could possibly be pregnant. I'm just unsuspecting.

Puberty-please help!?

Don't listen to the idiots above. Yes, you can possibly be pregnant and should win a test asap to build sure. You can also be having a blood clot surrounded by your uterus or an ovarian cyst which both can cause spotting, bleeding, and cramping. You can be have a possible miscarriage, however, doubtful from the sounds of it. You can be also having a Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding which cause you to bleed heavy during period and spot or bleed in between period! You need to see a doctor or ER asap no event what! If you have a DUB, you involve to be prescribed hormones, iron, and possibly birth control to regulate your period again since DUB sometimes way you are not ovulating correctly.

Nipple rings problem?

if youre pregnant, you wont have your length

Is 107.5 a good cargo?

If you are worried that you are pregnant, get a try-out, if you are, get an abortion. Nothing wrong next to that, really.

Will the condom come out?

more then we needed to know. how the heck are we suppose to know if your pregnant. lift a pregnancy test. not that complex to figure out.

visibly if you are pregnant you are not ready to enjoy a child, knowing that just be reading your request for information.

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