(embarrassing question)?

hello, i am going on a camping trip into the DEEP woods, here will be no wooden toilets or anything!
now, ive be camping past, but never into this deep of woods.
this is an embarassing cross-examine, but how do i pee out of my vagina?

I get unbelievably nauseous back my period, is this everyday?

Dude, I am AMAZED that these people answered your cross-question. Sort yourself out. And next time, at lowest possible give yourself a girl's entitle.

How do i cure stomach bloating?

all you have to do is jump into a squatting position and make sure your legs are far satisfactory apart that you dont pee on yourself. my daughter did it when she was 2 so i would feel anyone could do it

I have a give somebody the third degree about yeast infection Very serious!?

Just jump out of sight, verbs down your jeans and knickers. Squat down and keep your legs general apart and just tolerate go and relish.

IS IT TRUE that some girls can?

First of all, you don't in actuality pee from your vagina...it's a different opening.

Second, the easiest piece if you're not sure about stability is to lean with your hindmost against a tree until you're in an approximate sitting position, or just squat next to legs apart and use it for balance.

My friends wife is huge?

If your cross is David and you have a vagina, you own bigger problems than we can solve here.

Even worse if you pee out of that vagina, because that's abnormal plumbing you get there.

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