Plz help me...why do they hurt so fruitless?

okay my breast hurt real bleak they are tender and swollen. they hurt when i wear bras and even when i dont

im not on my period or in the region of to be, they arent growing(or at least they havent grown contained by two yrs, im 18) im not pregnant(test was neg.) thank you for the sustain..=)

Problems down below!?

well whip a second test to create sure u r not pregnant!! and it may just be tht they are growin.

Good luck!!~!

How do you bring back tampons to not leak at adjectives?

1: J Reprod Med. 1983 Jul;28(7):469-78. Links
The use of prostaglandin inhibitors for the premenstrual syndrome.

* Budoff PW.

The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a complex of symptoms that usually occurs seven to ten days up to that time menses in hulking numbers of women. These symptoms typically cease during the 24 hours after the start of menses. PMS affects many areas of the body, next to each afflicted woman have her personal set of symptoms. Frequently encountered signs and symptoms include breast discomfort and swelling, weight gain, headache, abdominal cramping and bloating, food cravings, thirst, nausea, integrated pain, acne, dizziness, hyperalgesia and one or more psychologic symptoms: irritability, apathy and fatigue, depression, anxiety, hostility and aggression. Theories relating PMS to hormonal disparity, vitamin deficiency or psychosomatic aberration hold failed to explain this condition fully. Treatments using hormones, vitamins, oral contraceptives or diuretics own failed to relieve adjectives the symptoms of PMS. The prostaglandin (PG) theory proposes that these nearly universal substances, produced in pathophysiologic amounts within brain, breast, gastrointestinal tract, kidney and reproductive tract, can trigger many of the PMS symptoms. If to be precise true, then a PG inhibitor could counteract excessive PG production and successfully control those PMS symptoms related to prostaglandin excess or inequality. Therapy based upon this proposal can proceed to the use of PG inhibitors in conservative steps. First, permanent deletion of xanthine-containing beverages (coffee, tea, cola and chocolate) from the diet can exhaust nervousness, irritability and breast pain. Luteal phase salt restriction, next to a mild diuretic used if necessary the final week before menses, add to this effect. For the 20-25% of women who need more back, either a PG inhibitor or untaught progesterone (to oppose the act of PGs), given when PMS begins, brings nouns. In women with depressive PMS complaints, small day after day doses of an antidepressant may prove helpful.

PMID: 6350580 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

What should I do?

May be Fibrocystic breast disease.which is a benign breast condition probably associated next to hormone changes you can try avoiding caffeine that is to say supposed to help .This.usually flairs up something like two weeks before you term and gets better after it starts.With this you will hold lumps in your breasts that are sore if you perceive for them. I have this problem next to mine but to be honest the pain you are describing reminds me of untimely pregnancy.

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