Does anyone regard as that I am ...?

ok these last few days i enjoy wanted to guzzle sour cream with everything that i guzzle. for example i ate it with rime cream, vienna sausages, hot pockets, chilli and so on plus i have have to pee so much more what is up with that?

I'm 15 and person 86 lbs has disadvantages when it comes to breast size?

I craved vienna sausages too =)

At any point where on earth it is even *possible* sperm/semen [this includes precum] could have gotten contained by, on or near the vagina within is a chance you could conceive pregnant. Do not rely on symptoms, as symptoms of pregnancy are commonly at times ALSO symptoms of other things and problems. May it be major or minor, you could be getting 100 different symptoms of human being pregnant and something completely different could be happening to your body. In decree to conceive pregnant sperm must enter the vagina, pool in the cervix, join near an "egg" and attach to the uterus creating an embryo. This seems close to such a long drawn out process and the little "swimmer" has such a long mode to go, foreplay and other sexual encounter shouldn't be able to capture a women pregnant, right? Wrong! It is possible to conceive during many different act, not just vaginal sexual intercourse. Did you know if a man ejaculate into a woman's anus, those little "swimmers" can actually "SWIM" out of the anus, into the vagina, pool in the cervix, attach to an "egg" that attaches to the uterine wall creating an embryo and conceive a pregnancy! A woman can become pregnant through foreplay, anal intercourse, or as I said back, at any point where it is even *possible* sperm/semen [this includes precum] could hold gotten in, on or in the vicinity the vagina. Contraceptive [such as "the pill", condoms, spermicide, IUD's ect.] are NOT, are NEVER 100% fail-proof.

If your period is irregular [even if it is adjectives for your period to be irregular] and near is a chance you may be pregnant, appropriate a HPT [home pregnancy test]. If it shows negative, try another a few days then. If you continue to receive glum HPT's but you still *appear* to be pregnant, see your local OB/GYN or family practitioner, receive a blood examination to confirm the negative pregnancy. If you receive a distrustful blood test [which are also not full proof!] but are still concerned that you may be pregnant, receive an ultrasound. This will show whether or not in that is an embryo attached in the uterus. If no embryo shows here may be something wrong and your doctor can further diagnose you.

If a HPT, blood test or ultrasound confirm pregnancy, find an OB/GYN hastily! It is important to hold an tabs on everything going on in your pregnancy from step one, even if you plan on abortion or adoption.

If you own decided to become sexually busy but are not TTC [trying to conceive] please be responsible and use proper birth control. If you do not have the money to purchase birth control pop in your local Free Clinic. There are Free Clinics in every area and will provide you beside proper care.

If you are underage and afraid to look to a parent or guardian, visit to Free Clinics and your OB/GYN *ARE* completely 100% confidential, although I would advise looking to at smallest one influential adult surrounded by your life, this would create a support system where on earth you could obtain experience, ask other questions, and discuss personal things next to.

Good luck! Be safe, be responsible, be strong!

I am 14 and am not developing exceptionally well what should i do?


How do I know if I've stopped growing?

Is it possible that your pregnant?!

Birth control ?

Its totally possible. Every preggo gal crave different things. Perhaps you be really hungry..Perhaps it could be a UTI. The only style to know for sure is pregnancy test. While ur at it I would check for a UTI.

Ladies Only?

You're probably ok but that sounds close to how pregnant women eat when they obtain cravings.

Hey Girls Help Me Please!!?

you're probably pregnant

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