I want to start shaving my legs, but my mother wont allow it.

What can I do? Also, I shave my underarms and I just use water. Should I use soap, too.. I don't own shaving cream.
Please, no jokes. Be as specific as possible!!

Answers:    Well I would try to ask your mother once more if you can shave, and detail her specifically why you want to. Try to have her understand your reason, and try to make them as clear as possible. Also, sometime it may be difficult to shave without soap or shaving cream. I use soap for my legs and underarms, because it take home the area more slick so you don't get blade burn or cuts. .
sweetie, your mom has a good origin for not allowing you to do that yet. How old are you? You are probably trying to grow up to quickly. Also, I took a huge gash out of my leg when I stole a razor as a kid and tried to shave my legs. I started screaming b/c blood was running down my leg and I get in trouble. Why are you shaving your underarms? Are you really that hairy? You can use body rinse out as a substitute for shaving cream but its usually not as comfortable as using shaving cream if you have sensitive skin. Talk to your mom about shaving and see what she have to say about it. She's not saw NO to be mean to you, she feels it would be better for you to continue. I am not sure how to get your mom to allow you to shave your legs, I just started shaving mine when I be embarrassed they were woolly.
Maybe try to talk to her again and express how embarrassed you are something like the hair.
I would use soap if you don't have shaving cream for your armpits, because at lowest it will give you some sort of lubrication, and you wont be as likely to carry razor burn..
It really depends on how old you are. You don't enjoy to use anything for your underarms, I don't and I'm just fine. When I first asked my mom that I wanted to shave my legs, I told my her that they are only just very bothersome and makes me grain unattractive. haha :) It works for my mom. Once you do get to shaving your legs.. if you use soap, You don't find nearly as much of the hair as you would with shaving cream! Because shaving is easier to see and doesn't "melt" past its sell-by date your leg from the hot mist around it. ..Just Saying. :)

Good luck!.
Well for shaving you underarms i would recomend using soap, becuase then you are at less of a risk of getting cut-throat burn. And with shaving you legs, talk to you mom/ dad and lately explain to them that it makes you feel insecure to wear shorts and own hair on your legs. I mean my little sister is 11 and started shaving at 10. So hopefully she'll agree to you and everything will be ok! If your moms not comfortable with having you shave you legs, confer to her about using an electric buzzer (like what they use to cut mens hair contained by a salon). My younger sister uses that because she's not comfortable with a razor nonetheless. It seems to work well, because it get really close to your skin, and doesn't cut you! Afterwards just apply some lotion, cuz it leaves your skin a little dry. With shaving your underarms, I'd reccommend using some soap and not in recent times water, your more likely not to win cut, or razor burn, which can hurt!

Hope this helps! Good luck!.
My mom is really lucky! She does not grow spine on her legs so she won't let me either. I contemplate she doesn't understand... Well yea really just cooperate to your mom and explain why you want to shave your legs. GOOD LUCK! ok it looks like i am a boy but i am on my dads acount. i started shaving my legs when i was jus tturning 12.so if you explain to your mom the reasons why you really want to, she just might twig..
How old are you? You should listen to your mother! LOL
Always use soap, never just marine.

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