Vertigo, Vomiting, Cannot catch out of bed. What could be wrong?

Hello. I have be sick for a little over 24 hours immediately. As i stated in the request for information I am beyond dizzy, vomiting, and unable to sit up. I am 49 years prehistoric. What might I have and what would could cure it?


Embarrasing term question LADIES ONLY?

an inner ear infection, and or sinus infection will do this to you. you requirement a doctor's help for the cure. hope adjectives is well soon.

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i estimate u need a doctor.. theres one and only so much we can do for you here

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It sounds like a totally nasty satchel of the stomach flu. If the vomiting gets So horribly bleak call 911. (so keep hold of ginger ale, saltines, and a phone around)

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My first ( & concluding ) bout of vertigo resulted from my being pregnant. Of course, vomiting/nausea sounds similar to a symptom of pregnancy as well.

Could you be?

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go tot he doctor. sounds resembling you have a bug of some sort. Relax, drink pleanty of fluids resembling gatorade or water. try to guzzle crackers or broth. take your temp every hour on the hour. if it hits 103 or complex, go to the emergency room. hope you surface better soon:)

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well the vomiting is probably due to the vertigo, you don't mention fever or diarhea or any other possible symptoms for that concern. And apparently you can get out of bed long satisfactory to ask this question..
What may be cause the vertigo? Possible inner ear problems, sinusitis, dehydration, all sorts of possibles, I would voice if it goes on another 24 hours. you have best see a doctor.

Guy question?

Vertigo is usually cause by an inner ear infection. No fun, but don't take our word for it, walk see your doctor or the emergency room if your dr is closed.

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You necessitate to ask a doctor, not the idiots on this site. But if you want my guess ? maybe a flu, or urinary tract infection, or mono, or strep throat lacking the sore throat or,..

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Hello. You might hold high blood pressure. It could be that you hold aniexty or stress issues. Or maybe you are coming down beside a virus.

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DISEASE: pregnancy
CURE: birth control pills (abortion is wrong and should be punished by law)
WHY: u tell me

About breasts!?

It sounds approaching you have Vertigo which is an inequality in your inner ear. There is dizziness, and consequently there Vertigo. You necessitate to call your doctor, and own someone drive you there. I own this condition my self, and it comes and goes. The 1st time is VERY fear-provoking. It can be an infection. I was put on a course of steroids, and it help a lot.

I own some fluid coming out my vagina, im worried cause contain some blood?

You could be have some sort of alergic reaction or somebody drugged something you ate or drank

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you should see a doctor

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