Why do us woman own to suffer?

why is it a men can get woman pregnant but its the woman who suffer afterwards dont get hold of me wrong i love kids but 9 months later be still fat warfare to get our immensity back next we have the period again and everything sags when we age then the menapause steps within men have none of this and they surmise there lives are hard

PMS is bloodbath me?

Thats because you guys get 9 months of stomach-ache but we men get a lifetime of dull pain putting up with you women. So surrounded by the end it adjectives evens out. God is just thats why men die younger than women so we can obtain a couple of yrs of rest before you guys amalgamate us in the after enthusiasm.

Whats wrong with my stomach? rock-hard to explain but?

Boo hoo.

Period Dizziness?

i feel for you.


Yeah, but we enjoy to put up with you lot for fifty uncommon years until death brings its sweet release.

Post op transsexual and hormones?

Men can't touch that stuff. women can that's why we have to put up beside it.

Oh please help me please! puberty bras?

Two words to bring in you feel better:

The first is multiple and the second is orgasm.

HELP! I put surrounded by a tampon and I can't get it out!?

my thoughts exactly lol

Why does my tummy still cramp after 5 days on my time of year!?

or you could also be asking that wuestion froma positive point of view...
close to ancient civilisations worshipped women for their life giving bodies :)

and what hellsbells said :P

Implantation bleeding, when does it ensue?

I have a inkling your husband suffers that whole nine months too.

Ovarian cancer?

pregnancy is a priviledge that comes next to a lot of responsibility - which is placed heavily upon the woman. However, most will update you that it is worth it - especially if it is very not easy for them to conceive in the first place. My husband gain 20 lbs. when I was pregnant though - I wasn't the singular one.

Std Confusion?

VERY true but i suppose it makes us stronger. im contained by uni also and whenever the tutors talk give or take a few different cancers 99% of the time they own more chance of affecting women! it sucks hey!

Curious interrogate for the ladies?

I think it's because we convinced them to drink the apple. Seriously though, it's just how it is and here's not much point in complaining about it.

Ortho tri-cyclen lo, missed a pill?

life is not just. If you go around wish it were, you'll lately make yourself miserable.

There are pluses and minuses to everything.

One thing is objective, when my wife says "no whoopie for you" I other answer, "that means none for you either".

Getting tubes tiedyour expiriences? Recover time etc.?

i am so near you i am really struggling to get rid of the cargo and i hate it. we defornately obtain the short straw. the baby blues are so intricate too its just never ends men own no clue how easy they take it...

How many weeks?

As my mother used to describe me when I voiced similar complaints, contrary to the male belief that's why we're the stronger sex, not the weaker one LOL.

Men suffer adropause , exceptionally similar to menopause. That's why when they hit mid life , heaps men change a forty year frail wife for two twenty year olds and a sports car. I'm sure you've hear the term middle aged crazy? That refers to men as they hit their adapt.LOL.

I think though it's the course we look at womenhood, if we think of it as the curse and suffering , we formulate it harder on ourselves. Realize as women, if we don't smoke or drink to excess, women generally live 7-10 years longer than men, and usually more.

We hold our friends to support us in doomed to failure times and in correct, most men don't have those helpful of ' intimate' nurturing relationships with their friends.

Women all in all deal beside our emotions better than men, we vent , we bargain about them, men across the world keep everything in and pretty buttoned up.

Remember the ripened saying , what doesn't exterminate us , makes us stronger. You're becoming a extremely strong empowered woman. Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff.

What's the difference between IUC and IUD birth control?

It is the mode God made us. Plus men could never handle it, they'd cry their unbroken lives. But women are tough and are the only ones who could draw from through it.


I wish men would be more sensitive

Morning after pill and?

Because us women can knob it. Men talk around how we are weak and pathitic, but you never see them seize cramps from their period, or turn through with labor. (Also Biblically speaking Eve at from the tree of experience and this is our punishment, but God knew we could manipulate it.)

Babies and young girls around down syndrome males.?

how could a babe-in-arms come out of...well...u noe. Man be created first, but the woman was created for a purpose. Men may own come first, but there is other a rough draft BEFORE the masterpiece.

Kinda gross?

You should try shaving every daytime! (or perhaps you do)

Do you approaching going commando in tight jeans?

Speak for yourself.I love being a woman & I'm not suffering individual one either..yes, I've have the kids [5 of them] & all the other stuff included in man feminine.

It's hardly something you can blame a man for presently is it? they didn't design our bodies or theirs..we don't have to bring all butter & out of shape..drinking healthy & doing weights help to keep us contained by shape & strong no matter how abundant kids we have or how out-of-date we get, we don't enjoy to accept that everything hits the floor...& it's not resembling we're force fed is it?
Guys enjoy problems too with their own strength issues that us women don't have to knob..anyway, I love being a woman, I'm proud to be a woman.

Lift weights & follow a glowing diet, you can lift anything that sags or prevent it from flaccid in the first place..don't be fooled into believing that's our lot in time..women aren't weak victims.come on sister, fray for what you want out of life, you can do anything you want to....even hold the body of your dreams...or you can make any excuse you want to & verbs believing that you're on this earth to suffer..

http://sportsmedicine.in the region of.com/cs/women...

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