I give my daughter away...?

I gave birth at 16 years outdated and gave my babe-in-arms girl to a couple that I spent time with for adoption. I have no other options at the time, but immediately even though it has be a long time, I wake up near nightmares constantly always of her crying and not person able to comfort her. I own woken up with my arms in truth sore, from wanting to hold her so badly. I own trouble sleeping, I cry at the sight of babies, and my caring instincts are extremely strong even though I am a teenager... I don't want to see a shrink b/c I don't obligation antidepresants and there is nothing special phsycological reason i have a feeling this way except I am a heartless pig for doing that. Are nearby any other birthmothers that feel one and the same way? or purely anybody, what should I do? I can't ask for her back because she is matured enough to know them for her parents now, and it would do more injure than good to draw from her back... I still can't support her anyways. HELP...


Al throughout go we face choices and resembling congress, its easy to second guess those choices after the certainty. The fact you get pregnant is the issue working on you and that the product of that, a beautiful tot girl, haunts you. You have need of to go see a psychologist and yes, sometimes medication is needed.

You know you did what be right for the baby by giving her a accident at a decent go with loving parents. You realize that you could not, at the time, full fill those desires. Your not that " heartless pig" you talk about, but i.e. the way you see yourself and specifically why you need some support.

Consider sharing with your friends the vibrations you had and why you made those decision with your time and that of your child. Maybe your wisdom will save one other from making the mistake of getting pregnant early surrounded by life.

Don't loose sleep and return with down, go obtain help. Your Love for your child be the guide that directed you to your actions. Its a tough finding, but it was best for the babe-in-arms. Be strong and don't let doubt take you down.

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You can set up days to visit her, and ask the couple if you can bear her to the park and other things like that.

Dad and interval?

You were unbelievably strong giving her up so she can have a in safe hands life. One that you cannot provide for her.
Right presently, time is your best bet. Get out..get helpful.
You will never forget, but just remember you are giving her the completely best chance contained by life she will ever enjoy!
Good luck.

When i was 15 i saw discharge until in a minute im 22.i tryed many doctor they confer me some medication and didint help

awww well u could merely be a friend of the familys if you wanna see her that bad.
why dont you speak to the family u gave her to nd se if u can only be friends - that way you draw from to see her.

Ladys only please?

You want to get some counseling. Not wanting to shift the "SHRINK" is only going procure worse. You could go to your home Dr to get something to hold you over while you desire help. This will solitary get worse, and will not turn away by it's self.

I havent had my length since march!?!?!?!?!?

Im not really sure if they will agree to you see her, i think its the guidelines of adoption , but it wont hurt to ask, im pretty sure they will let you see how she is doing. they may tolerate you see her , but you probably cant really tell her that your that mother , but it wont hurt to ask the individuals, but dont tell them what problems you are have because they wont let you see her., a moment ago say you wanna see how she is doing , for comfort or something close to that

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I hope that you can find peace in knowing that you did the right thing. I'm so amazed and see so much strength when I hear of women giving up their biological children to a better home. You didn't enjoy an abortion, you gave time to a miracle. Be strong! I think plentifully of times when women go through this it could also be something else explicitly going on that is triggering these emotion and nightmares. How is everything else in your life! Try to write down you emotional state and join a support group at church. Relationships can be wonderful for you. You don't enjoy to see a shrink, just know that this is OK for you to quality what you do. Every night utter a prayer; imagine yourself strong, total and stable. Visualize yourself with a child when you are primed and visualize yourself happy and accepting of your biological daughter beside her family presently. At the same time thank God for what he have already done and what He is getting ready to do right now. I'll hold you in my prayers. I commend you for your bravery and honesty. Congratulations on self and incredible women.

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First you are not a unfeeling pig! I feel you have to make a immensely grown of choice at a very infantile age. You loved your baby ample to give her a pious life.

You should look into a support group, they may in time know how to help you treaty your pain. I would run talk to your academy counselor they may be able to oblige also.

New to this but its strange I went through E.R fiday dark?

As an adult adopt child I would not contact the family but would agree to them know if she is every curious to meet you you would be fine next to it. The life an fully developed couple can provide is much better then that of a 16 year prehistoric. You did what was best for her.

Go to a doctor and swot up to rejoice that someone out there is taking on your responsiblity.

Sorry for the cutting answer but no one ever looks at it from the child's side. I revulsion when people whine going on for their decision to provide up their child but you never hear them say they whinned give or take a few the sex. If you were responsible satisfactory to raise a child you wouldnt hold had a child at 16.

Could it be his size?!?

Maybe your dreams are a form of guilt expessing itself through your dreams. Try letting the guilt travel & therefore your dreams will vanished.

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It's normal to touch the loss of giving up your child. You are in a period of mourning right immediately.

I would compare your pain to what it is approaching to have a child still-born or miscarried. Loss of a child is the hardest loss you will ever experience as a woman. I couldn't dream of dealing with that loss as partially woman and half child, minus any real-world, independent, adult experience.

You aren't thick-skinned or a pig or a heartless pig. You are an incredibly loving party to make the choice you did, but in a minute you have to contract with the heartfelt back-lash from the life altering experience and loss.

Loss is the hardest human sentiment to cope with, more so at as a minor. You don't mention anyone helping you cope with such loss, so my best guess is that you are surrounded by need of the extra support a psychotherapist could provide.

I would reccomend couseling with a well brought-up therapist, not because you stipulation medication to help restore to health and deal, but because it sounds similar to you need some skills and support to be capable of cope with such a tremenduous natural life event at such a young age.

It really sounds similar to you made a good choice for babe and you, but just because it's the right choice for the two of you doesn't imply it's EASY. You have of late learned your first solid adult lesson: right and effortless hardly ever budge hand surrounded by hand.

Alternatively, you could look for a support group contained by your area or online for juvenile mom's who have given their child up for adoption. But I still deliberate some therapy is really contained by order. We aren't born knowing how to matter with these things.

Therapy is not give or take a few being drugged up to forget or get over it, but roughly learning how to attain over it and move on minus drugs.

Good luck, sweetie! I admire your strength already and I'm sure next to a little give a hand, you're ache will subside and you will find peace to put together a good natural life for yourself and future kids.

Iv be on ma period 4 nearly 5weeks, what should i do?

Please you are not a cruel pig. You gave your daughter the contribution of life and you entrusted her to the trouble of others who could provide a good enthusiasm for her. You should be rewarded for your generosity and proud of the ruling you made for her. If you know where the parents are you could contact them and ask if they would allow you to see her. It might luxury your pain, but at one and the same time it could make you consistency worse than you already do. Perhaps they would communicate with you through correspondence and pictures so you feel some bond beside her.

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You are a righteous person and you definitively did the right article. You gave that babe-in-arms the opportunity of having a vivacity. I was pregnant once and I did not grant my baby that fate. I aborted. At lowest you know you did what was right for her. One daytime when she is a grown up you might have the opportunity to relate to her. Me, I dont own that chance. I regret it soo much.

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As an mature adopted child I would not contact the family connections but would let them know if she is every curious to assemble you you would be fine with it. The enthusiasm an adult couple can provide is much better consequently that of a 16 year old. You did what be best for her.

Go to a doctor and learn to rejoice that someone out in attendance is taking on your responsiblity.

Sorry for the harsh answer but not a soul ever looks at it from the child's side. I hate when folks whine about their ruling to give up their child but you never hear them enunciate they whinned about the sex. If you be responsible enough to lift up a child you wouldnt have have a child at 16.


An adoptee

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You're having ominous anxiety over this, and its probably normal. i havea cousin that did equal thing 7 years ago and she still regrets it. Its exceedingly sad, but you hold to realize that you did what was best for you and your babe at the time.
You said you couldn't support her even now, so she's better stale where she is.
The adopt parents of my cousin's child have official phone calls from my grandmother, and own actually agreed to consent to her come see the little girl, but only at their home. most adopt parents are open to their children and consent to them know that they are adopted and are inclined to let the biological people keep surrounded by contact, most are very appreciative for man given the child.
I would never suggest that you try to take her away from them. Its so unmerited when then happen and normally is not even possible after 2 years. You could also mete out her psychological damage.
If you spent time next to the parents before adoption, surely you hold a way to contact them. i would hail as them and simply as how she is, and what she is like, etc. If they are unequivocal to you maybe suggest a short pop in every now and consequently. if they deny youthis, i would respect that. They may fear that you will want her wager on.
If you think your emotion and love for this child will get within the way and may engineer these feelings stronger by seeing her afterwards I would suggest that you refrain from this.
This is a psychological issue, and yes it is anxiety that will head to depression if you dont get control over it. I'm not one to suggest shoving pills down your throat, but a biddable talk beside someone that would understand may be the best prescription. There is also a medication for anxiety called attivan that my doctor have prescribed to me in times gone by for a problem i was have and it worked wonders on me! Its not something you have to pocket everyday or continuously, ie, its not addicting. and its effects are instant yet do not stay within your system
good luck to you.

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You are a good woman! Don't ever put yourself down for giving your child a better duration because the bottom line is a mothers employment is to give her child the best natural life possible by any means requisite. You are not heartless, the cruel thing to do would own been to hold a baby that you know you cant appropriate care of. I enjoy never put a baby up for adoption so I don't totally get the message where you are coming from. but I will guess that the intention you feel this bearing is because your body was prepared to backside a child and now near there is no child contained by the picture so you are having to re-adjust I think that the psychological reason is that a quantity of you is missing literally. I cant begin to believe what that feels approaching. Bless your heart

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Sweetie, I am so sorry for the method you are feeling. You are not a unsympathetic pig for doing this; you gave your daughter go! Instead of aborting you give her the greatest gift of adjectives. I am proud of you; it must have be really hard for you.
You did a incredibly mature UNSELFISH point. I am a parent and trust me raising a child is terrifically very intricate hard work. I read contained by your question that you don't want to see a shrink because you don't involve antidepressants; but by the things you said in your question I grasp the feeling you requirement someone to talk to; someone to basically help you sort out your mental state; it's nothing to be ashamed of and in truth a mark of readiness that you would be willing to adopt help. I cogitate a therapist would know how to help you come to language end your torment and I don`t know make **peace** near your decision. After your achieve peace with your judgment, you may be able to set up some sort of stop by with the adoptive parents. My prayers are near you. You are actually a hero surrounded by my eyes; and I am sure in the eyes of your daughter someday.


I am truely sorry you are dealing next to so much pain right very soon. I am an adoptive mother, and believe me you are not a "heartless pig". You did altruistic act, doing what you feel was best for your child, and give the most wonderful gift to a couple that needed to be parents.

I understand however, that this won't completely pilfer away the heartache that this tough decision can bring. I also realize not wanting to be put on medication, but there are several counseling services, birthmother support groups, and online birthmother forums that could be of great help and support to you.

I option you luck in dealing near your sadness, and hope you find the support you requirement and deserve.

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