Iv been on ma term 4 nearly 5weeks, what should i do?


Should blood come out of your butt during your peiord?

Call your OBGYN right away!!

Help with cramps?

u inevitability to go see your doc u may obligation a dnc

I haven't started my period however but i have be getting these lightish brown discharges, is that bad?

Go see a doctor .................. what else???

Does this surface to anyone else? women only please?

depending on your age, it could be the start of the modify but if your way to immature for that i would go and see your doctor, unless you enjoy had the coil or implant fitted then this is pretty normal

Yeast infection?

U really didn't endow with enough info.R u on birth control?Alot of'm have side effects like that.Has this ever happen b4?&,r u sexually active w/out using protection?This culd b 4 alot of reason.If it's really unussual 4 u.&,their hasn't been any foremost changes.By adjectives means,find in 2 a Dr.ASAP..Good luck!*

Yaz Birth control?

think you should see a doc 5 weeks seem a long time to me for a period

Suicidal, excess curls?


If I was a superhero & u be a villain, and I caught u, but uh-oh, my powers just disappeared mewhat do u do?

go and see your doctor, u should have see him/her b4 now.

How powerful are the birth control shots?

i would go an see your doctor. hope you are ok

Health give somebody the third degree about my boyfriend?

stock up resourcefully sorry just tomfoolery go see your gp.

What is wrong near MY sex drive?

See your doctor and gyne, but remember they dont know everything. Be self aware and read everything you can on dysmennorea, where your term goes on and on. Progesterone is a hormone that thicken the lining of the womb after your extent. Maybe your body is not getting enough, if this is the armour demand inbred progesterone and not a synthetic progestin.

There is so much eostrogen in our environment (plastics, synthetic chemicals in toiletries, the pill etc) is responsible for altering men's and women's hormones. You might want to look into that as well and avoid them where on earth possible.

Sex queiry?

this happened to me it turned out i have too much oestrogen and i had my pill changed and i be fine, thats all that happen! i wish self gone to the doctors earlier!

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