Could I be have a miscarriage?

I have be on birth control for 7 months, never missed a pill. When I first started, I had breakthrough bleeding for almost a month, but it was feathery. My periods enjoy been every 28 days exactly. For former times two weeks, I have be having severe fatigue, nausea, and breast soreness. I didn't even ponder of the possiblity of being pregnant because of the birth control, even though my boyfriend and I don't use protection. I own had two miscarriages beforehand. Two days ago, I started having horrible cramps that have me doubled over in dull pain, and very cumbersome bleeding. My period isn't due for another two weeks. The cramps own eased, but I am basically feeling markedly weird, humane of light head, and a little worried. Should I move about see a doctor, even though there is zilch they can do for a miscarriage?

Is it ok to start using birth control at 14?

Had you put on any weight surrounded by the last month or so? And did you enjoy any other signs of pregnancy, prior to starting to bleed?

Either way you should see your doctor, TODAY for a full check up, they want to ensure your not anaemic, and you may need a D & C (Dilation & Curret) if you hold had a misscarriage.

I hold a cist on my ovary and it hurts?

Please go to the Doctor


i would move about see a doctor

I'm on my first cycle of BC Pills..taken 3 sugar pills, no period. Normal?

Yes you call for to see the doc. This needs to be checked out. If it is a miscarriage they can bring in sure you are getting rid of all of the fetal contents because if you don't you enjoy to have a D&C to verbs things out. I doubt it is a miscarriage but your problems need to be checked out right away.

Should i basically relax?

definitely go 2 d doctor cuz it could be sum else

What gentle of surgery is done for cyst in the feminine area?

Yes, progress see your doctor & good luck!

Calling ONLY Doctors or lab technicians?

I reckon it is unlikely that you are pregnant. It could be that you need to be on a different pill. But any way, you really want to see a doctor for this one.

I haven't had my spell since March and I know for a fact I am not pregnant.?

Go to your doctor, what you own described does not sound mundane at all. angelic Luck

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