Dad and interval...?

its so weird.. because i in actuality just started my period
but for similar to the past year
he other asks me like.. do you enjoy your period all the same? and its really weird and awkward.. and i wouldnt report to him anyways
then sometimes i procure moody (, who doesnt)
and he will resembling lean over to my stepmom or something and whisper (..resembling i cant hear, honestly) something like.. "is this usual?"

#2 ..also. if you couldnt tell, my parents are divorced
so when i walk to my dads house, i dont know what to do with approaching my pad/tampons (&wrappers)
im not that close with my stepmom so i dont imagine im really comfortable talking next to her
plus, shes a huge suckjup to my dad and will probly tell him
and later he'll talk to me and yea..
haha sorry this is so long but give support to and thanks! :)<3

Questions something like tampons?

That is kind of creepy, close to why would your dad even care? Maybe if you merely left a pad/tampon out or something, he would find the hint, and stop bugging you something like it. Or, somehow, if he asks you again, just be honest next to him, and then you don't own to worry going on for him asking. Either that, or tell him it's none of his business or you don't discern comfortable talking to him going on for it. I'm sure he'll understand.

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Your father seem pretty open to it. I would transmit him, there's nought wrong with have your period.

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dads understand more than you devise, just bring up to date him

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I dont know in recent times tell him!

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lol- i have this problem when my parents divorced and I started when I was 14.. mydad used to do that too- in actuality he is more curious so he knows when to lock you surrounded by the house and keep the boys away LOl.. believe it or not dads are lately being protective within their own strange weird awkward road... give dad a break- your his little girl hes other going to do things that annoy you!!

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sneak them

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its shameful to start off wit but its so run of the mill tell ur mum and my be wen u quality moody just utter u cant go to ur dads. but every one get it and he shouldnt be bothering u if it gets ne worst u av to relate sumone

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He probably of late wants to sustain you and make you more comfortable. Next time he asks, lately tell him yes and that it's not a big operate and you have everything you want.
He may be trying to be "the Good Parent" and trying to help you more than your mom, or it could be freshly innocent.
Either way, a moment ago say you get it, and it's fine. He'll probably quit asking then.

Does anyone know how to stop a interval and by taking two birth control pills does that really work?

Dads sometimes just dont take in. It can be awkard I totally understand. Is within a trash bin in the bathroom? If so what I do is I wrap up the wrapper in toilet paper (yes the wrapper and the pads/tampons) afterwards I throw it in a trash bin. If theres not one, only just come out of the bathroom with the wrapper and pad/tampon contained by toilet paper and throw it within a trash bin. Sorry if this doesnt help but I hope it did.

I just now got these uncomfortable strecthmarks on inner thighs ?

Uhh. why do you care if your dad know you have your time of year? its normal.
Whenever I'm contained by a bad mood, I other tell my dad and blame it on my interval, i get away beside lots of things because of that. :) heh.

Well, if you really care... bring a plastic roomy in your suit case/bag and of late wrap the tampons and pads up, and afterwards put them in the backpack, tie a knot contained by the bag and put it within the garbabe.

If ur masturbating and it bleeds like u ruminate u may have popped your cherry, hold you then lost your virginity

Just chat to your can deal near this "issue" better than one may think.

Also, it would be a well-mannered way to obtain close to your step-mom.

Hormone pills?

It sounds like he's trying to fathom out you. My Dad actually said THIS one time.we be watching TV and a tampon commercial came on, he said " I wonder if those would work for diarrhea" No banter. I laughed my @ss past its sell-by date and I was never self-conscious again.

What's wrong with me?

instead of thinking of hiding the wrappers and etc, recount him face to frontage, that you feel awkward when he asks you if you enjoy your period. plus since your going to call in your dad and his wife is ovbiously going to be there, i suggest getting friendly near her. that way when you conquer the point were you can trust her, you can inform her things and shell respect you enough to not voice. if your skeptical about this, start beside a small secret. and see if she blurts it out to your dad if so, consequently honestly i wouldnt want to tell her anything personal..

but human being open near your dad will be more efficient when it comes to visit him...

Possible reasons my wife is not getting her time of year?

how old r you? perchance your dad is concern that you haven't grow into a womanly body, breast and stuff. tell your dad you aren't comfortable conversation about this and he can tell to your mom or doctor if he really wants to know.

you can hold on to your pads/tampons in your closet or bookbag, use a brown quality newspaper bag for used ones and toss them contained by the trash. if your dad look thru trash, then that's his problem :)


I'd only just tell your dad, respectfully, that you're not comfortable conversation with him roughly speaking this. Ask him to lay off the interval talk because it creeps you out. Tell him that if you own any questions or concerns, you're really comfortable chitchat with your Mom in the order of it.

Some people are really ashamed about some things. When I have to get my first bra, I asked my Mom if my best friend could shift with us because I needed moral support. I be trying to be quiet and as invisible as possible when I turned around to see my friend, standing out in the course of the lingerie department with a black lace DDD bra on her herald singing, "M-I-C...K-E-Y...M-O-U-S-E!!... I thought my face be going to catch fire from the blushing!

Please cheer up. As natural life goes on, these things DO start to embarrass you smaller amount. I promise.

As far as throwing away "the evidence," why don't you have a separate rubbish can in your room where on earth you can dispose of them. Then, on garbage daytime, just put your pack of garbage within the main refuse bag simply as it goes out to the curb.

My menstral concluded and i was in recent times having discharge, after my boyfriend and i made love and my menstral came back

Well, if you reflect on its weird and creepy, after it very capably may be weird and creepy. I mull over it's a little curious - most fathers, especially father you don't live with full time and who arent your best buddies, would be cautious to ask about that characteristics of stuff and definitely wouldnt be thinking going on for it regularly. Here's what you can do - next time he asks you can influence, "Dad, I'm sure you realize that a girl's physical development is pretty personal - and I'm sure you would agree that here's nothing wrong beside a person wanting to save their body functions their own private business. I don't want to discuss my sexual development near you and I'd appreciate it if you stopped being so curious nearly it." That ought to keep him low for a while.

I understand the constituent about not wanting to throw your personal lavish away where it might be see - there are those who are are nosy and peep in the trash. You can filch your own ziploc bag and stash it surrounded by your purse or bag and save your trash with you until you find a trashcan you want to use. Or you can create your waste impossible to initiate - you can wrap it all surrounded by toilet paper similar to a cocoon and then duct video around it and stuff it all contained by an empty toilet weekly roll. They'd have to be really unusual to try and pry that open.

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