I havent have my period since demo!?!?!?!?!?

i m 13 and i started my period going on for a month before i turned 13, which be in january. we be at a ski resort and i fell bad on my @ss could this be a problem. i have like single 2 periods from that time. also i be going fast and nearby was a bump and i jump over and landed tough could this be a problem also the snow and the cold? my most recent period be in any march or february? should i dance see a doctor? i know i'm not pregnant cause i'm still a virgin.

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i told you previously its normal the bump have nothing to do beside it for about the first year ur menstration cycle isnt middle-of-the-road it will take a while

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ur length is just irregular nil to worry something like okay

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Nothing exterior like that can mess near your period.

Young girls who own just begin their periods usually own irregular periods. It is zilch you should worry too much going on for. As you get elder, in almost a year or so, they will start to straighten themselves out and everything. Your body is sort of messing with them surrounded by a way.

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well since you just started contained by january...your period mah be skippin months until your body get use to it...
trust me my friend came on hers for two months...afterwards didnt come ack on until 3 months later...
so it take time...
dont worry..
but if you stilll wanna formulate sure your ok...you cango to the doctor...
but i think its typical.
smile :)

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I would ask your doctor. It's probably nil serious.

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When young women contained by their teens or even younger reach sexual old age, irregular periods are common. Your hormones have not fully regulated however. Most women are not like clockwork anyway. If you miss 3 months within a row, then it might be a honest idea to catch checked to be sure your reproductive health is surrounded by check.

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HI, dont verbs your too young to enjoy a regular period, for teenagers it take up to a year, for you to have a regular time. I'm sure that you'll be regular sooner than you expect. Trust me, when i was infantile i would get my interval atleast 4 times a year and then a year after i become regular, dont sweat it, your body will adjust.

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Irregular periods are immaculately normal, especially contained by young women. Not to verbs. Many women's periods are honestly irregular their whole lives, although they're prefectly decent, have no gynecological problems, and are fertile. It make birth control a little tougher and boundaries when they can wear white pants, but it's no big settlement.

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Don't worry too much, it is regular to have irregular period when you first start them. As for the fall, unless you hold any discomfort in your lower belly after I don't think you enjoy much to worry in the order of with it effecting your period. They will settle into a pattern as your body balance itself out as you progress through puberty. If you are very worried collaborate to your folks and maybe walk see a doctor.

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hey at hand is nothing really to verbs in the initial few months after menarche(first period) the menstrual cycles are intensely irregular its just close to a new tool where adjectives the gears have to fit one another best and move surrounded by synchrony. in human and ur travel case the gears are hormones so for them to come in total chord with respectively other it will take time so stop worrying.
all right when you start experiencing pain t the time of ur time of year i mean the sort of cramping anguish one experiences when abdominal ache is in that.
AND yeah i totally forgot of ur accident it ha certainly nothing to do next to u missing ur period.

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Irregular period are normal when you first start getting them. Also, they are habitually affected by adjectives sorts of things. If you have lost counterweight and weigh less than you did when you first get them they are likely to stop. Stress, cash of diet and medication can all affect regularity.

It wouldn't hurt to progress and have a check up near your doctor to make sure within is nothing wrong, and to put your mind at rest. The more you verbs about not have a period, the more credible you are to not have one.

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Aww, honey, don't verbs. It takes 6-12 months for your interval to become regular. I suggest you tell your mother if you haven't already. Have her diary an appointment with an ob/gyn for you, if she/you're worried. He/she will examine your womanly parts to make sure zilch is wrong. He/she might also give you a pap exam. For more information, go through ob/gyn on answers, or just online, so you know what they do.

meet to womanhood!

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Stress, rapid consignment loss or gain, illness, drugs (certain tranquilizers, if you enjoy taken anything like this) may own disrupted your cycle. Irregular periods at your age and especially during the first year of your time of year are pretty much normal.

Also you did not utter if you were on birth control but I doubt it, if you are and stopped birth control, that will result in your period to become irregular or stop because because your body hasn't all the same adjusted to enthusiasm off the pill, if this is the satchel your period should return to average within 3 months, except see a doctor.

Since you for the first time started your period in December (since you said you turned 13 in January and you had a term about a month earlier that) you should write down every month what day you start on a calendar and hold up with that especially during the first year of your interval, so you can see how your periods are, etc.

If you hold not had a length for 3 full months, yes, you should see a doctor, nothing is probably wrong, but you still should see a doctor. It may be because you are extremely busy, etc. But, to be on the safe side, again if you enjoy not had a interval in 3 full months, enjoy your parents take you to the doctor lately to be on the safe side.

Also, I included links above, that you can click on and read more around periods, etc.

I hope this help.

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Thats nothing to verbs about. I newly got my spell in Noember and I skipped the month of January and Febuary. My doctor said that the first couple years you hold your period it will be irregular. So it could come months delayed or weeks late or it might be hasty. It will take your body a while to own a normal cycle. Good luck!

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