New to this but its strange I went through E.R fiday dark?

for a horrible stomach ache they run test but could not find anything wrong I'm still puzzled because the soreness started 3 weeks ago and got it's worst friday they give me some gi track that numbed my stomach and that was it they also give me a pregnacy test but it be negative immediately i am do for my cycle but it has not arrived basicly i enjoy been vomiting upset stomach tender breast but they said I be fine follow up with a doctor contained by a week has anyone have a similar problem or is familar to this I dont understand what it could be someone try to explain this

What is a "Cash Deposit"?

try going to your gyno and see if it have anything to do with your overies.. if then the stomach twinge and vomiting could be due to a bactiral infection, make an appt next to your family doctor and hold some test run..

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