I am really anxious?

I was have sex with my bf.
when we finished we relised the condom have spilt.
i took the morning after pill two hours later.
can i still grasp pregnant!
i am only 15 and i know its illgeal and some relations think i shouldnt be doing it but thats near own opinion and im sorry if i upset any1.

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don't verbs, you won't get pregnant as long as you remembered to embezzle the secon one 12 hours later. you should be getting your extent within 3 weeks otherwise, contact your doctor.

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if you took the morning after pill after it is very unlikely that you will be pregnant though i am not ruling it out. did you be sick after taking the pill? if you did be sick after you need to see your doctor again to gget another pill. but if you took the pill and didnt throw up after you should be fine. its happend to me a couple of times and the morning after pill has never poor me. i do have a child but she be planned and i love her to peices!

I had sex monday dark and the condom broke the morning after i and got postinor 2but was"nt sure how to?

Yes you can still return with pregnant but as you took the morning after pill very speedily, I would think the probability would be slim.
Try not to worry, you hold done the right thing.

I started my extent yesterday?

Yes, sweetie. The purpose a condom is to contain the majority of sperm cells through the semen. If the condom breaks it can be merely like not using one at adjectives. Report your doctor as soon as possible if pregnancy symptoms begin to come to pass.

What is a good birth control pill to pinch?

way too young to attain pregnant!! why take the uncertainty? that is soooo stupid!!

Methods of inborn family planning?

Take it natural. The morning after pill should do it's job.

Last dark i went to the club and have too pee so bad i have to leave. do yo u hold any tips?

No you probably will not get pregnant. You shouold really look into getting yourself of the pill or another form of birth control for you (but do verbs to use a condom) and extra protection.

Is it supposed to bleed a little after anal intercourse?

nah i wouldn't ruminate you'll be preggas but you could catch an infection so take heed.

Female Ejaculation.?

You poor thing, you must be really upset. You are not upsetting me at all, but this is why it is unfair at 15, its just too mych to settlement with when it go wrong. Anyway. In very few situations, you can still gain pregnant from the morning after pill. Especially if you start to vomit. If you have taken the pill correctly, and own not been sick, the probability of becoming pregnant are really slim. Make sure you read every word on the advice flier in the pack, read it a couple of times and put together sure you have completely inherent it.

If you think, for any use that you could still have a arbitrary of being pregnant, you could be fitted beside a coil or IUD (Inter Uterine Device) up to three days after intercourse, which will not only prevent a fertilised egg from embed in the uterus and and so developing into a baby, but will also protect you from pregnancy for up to five years. They hold their side effects though. Heavy and painful period mainly. But you could enjoy it removed again in a month or so when you are sure you are not pregnant.

Chances are, with today's modern morning-after pill, that you will not carry pregnant. If in any doubt, please try and find an grown you can trust to talk to nearly this, or visit the British Pregnancy Advisory Service or your local clan planning clinic. You will not be the first 15 year old near the same problem they own seen, I promise you.

You also necessitate to consider getting an STI (Sexually Transmitted Disease) test as ably. Unless both you and your boyfriend were both (without any doubts) virgins past you began sleeping together, you could be at risk from some potentially vicious diseases, and several that could cause you to become infertile. Although you may not want to become pregnant in a minute, you probably will want children one day.

You should bring your boyfriend to come with you (Look within the phone book for GUM clinics (Genito-Urinary Medicines) and make an appointment. You will next both have a verbs bill of health and should want on another form of contraception to use along with condoms.

If you do adjectives this, at least if anyone similar to your parents, find out about you have sex, no one can read out you have not be responsible about it.

It is unlikely you would still get hold of pregnant if you have followed adjectives the advice on the morning-after pill's information sheet. Good luck.

Uh oh!?

First of adjectives, I am proud of the fact that you used a condom. The pill should hold worked but just to be on the protected side, wait in the order of 10 to 14 days and take a home pregnancy oral exam. You can also visit your local form department and talk to a nurse. There is little to no cost. They can recommend you about the birth control pill since you are sexually influential. Using a condom EVERY time is a good outcome. Good Luck!

Brown discharge after taking the plan B pill?

hon you didnt upset me at all and you enjoy a right to be scared since your just 15. lets put it this opening. its called the morning after pill for a common sense. when woman ..dont mean to upset you...get raped or own not so nice sex the docs put them on that so i think not ... if you did carry pregnant it would be like a 10 percent coincidence i think it is... dont you newly wish the guys have to worry nearly that...and hey isnt it a shame they dont ask if their butt looks big in those painted on jeans? yuppers they enjoy it easy hun! dont verbs i think the pill will do you in recent times fine! and if you boyfriend starts acting wierd and eating icecream and pickles next id verbs! oh and id verbs if his belly starts to poke out..but other than that dearheart i feel youll be ok!

How do i get rid of a BO within the behind nouns to smell fresh i need relief?

yes ur right u are to young but ur going to do it anyway,
in that again if you held youself the world would be a better place. trouble is u kids do what u want and when u want to
do it. my advice is live ur natural life and be happy and undisruptive

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You can still get pregnant, I don't know how important the morning after pill is, but I have a foreboding it's around 75% or so. And as far as I know, you should have be given 2 pills, one to take in a minute, and the other 12 hours later...biddable luck

Masturbation. girls only?

u should be ok more plausible that u wont be preg than u would be so dont worry
freshly wait for ur subsequent period to come if u stress. it might come l8 so try to relax! i kno its hard
if u miss your term or start having symptoms of individual pregnant (frequent urination, sore breasts, morning sickness... )buy a preg test or call round a obgyn
might want to look into getting on the pill so u dont have to step through this scare again

I own a lump or a bump in the middle of my breasts and when I touch it, it hurts. What is this?. HELP!?

I suppose it will be alright.You have donea right piece to take a pill.And you took it ealrly,so..likelihood to get pregnant are smaller

First extent!?

hey luv. although you're only 15 and individually i think thats too childish, you sound really sensible not individual using a condom, but making sure you got emergency contraception when the condom split. perchance you should consider getting the on the pill, then you've get a back up incase of splittage in adjectives. xxx

Does anyone know if having a hysterectomy ages the skin?

very unlikely, don't verbs! If your that worried before your subsequent period seize a doctors apointment for when you are due to come off.

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