Last dark i went to the club and have too pee so bad i have to leave. do yo u hold any tips?


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Have you hear of a toilet?

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use the rest room within, if you are that afraid of germs use a seat cover or use toilet tabloid to cover the seat or newly don't actually generate contact with the form. that's about adjectives i got.

I'm 15 years outmoded and i still have not gotten my time of year.?

Go to the rest room.

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Just piss yourself. Since you be at a club, most of the people be drunk and wouldn't have notice anyway.

After a girl loses her virginity, is it normal to pee blood?

I don't get the drift why you had to depart. I don't know of any public building that does not have restrooms, and if you have to pee that bad where on earth did you go to find a toilet, or did you of late pee in the parking lot and after go pay for in. If you have to pee really bad you couldn't own gone too far without have an accident. This merely does not make closely of sense without more information.

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