Does anyone know if have a hysterectomy ages the skin?

My mom has to hold one soon, and she's worried because she's heard that have one can age the skin by up to 10 years. Help....

What can cause skin crumbling on hand and fingers ? I've tried lotion but it just seem to peel more.?

I have a hysterectomy but kept my ovaries when I was 40, I'm very soon 53 and am still looking okay,maybe if your Mums have a total hysterectomy that could cause a hormone inequality and cause premature ageing but I'm sure the doctors will own all that within check.

Tell your Mum not to worry, and depending on why she's have the op it will probably be the best thing for her contained by the long run, and think of the money she'll put aside lol, I've never regretted it, wish her all right and a speedy recovery.

Who have had experiences next to Plan B?

it strips your body of natural hormones so a deficiency of them may age you if that is how your body individually responds to something ike that. everyone i know of who had this procedure have to start taking estragen pills to balance out but its not qutie like peas in a pod as the real entry.


It will age the skin of her flower, but not of much anywhere else. If she needs it, don't verbs about such trivial matter grasshopper. Just be there for her and support her. Her flower is not unlike that of a crazed sunflower. In time all must wither.

I'm a 15 yr. out-of-date girl and Every now and consequently i get this clear odorless discharge within my underwear?

No, not at all! I have to have an emergency hysterectomy at the age of 29. I'm 36 very soon. My skin is just fine. No color evolution, no extra wrinkles, no saging. That'll come in 30 years, right? lol Tell your mom not to worry. If they enjoy to remove her ovaries, then she will be post menaposal. She might hold to take hormone pills or only just go through "the change" essentially. Have her talk near her doctor about this.

Period/pregnancy ?

no my friend have it done a long time ago , and she looks 50yrs old and is 68yrs out-of-date

Ladies; is bleeding normal for first-timers?

Hypoestrogenism does age her skin (too low estrogen) and that would start if they remove her ovaries too.

The removal of the womb itself (leaving one ovary at least) will not age her more.

Im scared..i dont want to start my peirod.. please sustain me?

It may do, no hard and efficient rule as far as I know, but consider the implications of a dodgy menstrual cycle and the effects of that on the body. Slightly infirm skin against a body that cant take surrounded by anymore is not really a difficult decision, product up cant be used on the inside, and what goes on inside reflect on the outside. Your mum needs to discuss this near the doctor. If it does age her skin then spend a few bucks or pounds and win a professional beautician to help beside a suitable make-up regime, seriously look at Ann Robinson she looks great for her age and she achieve that mainly through bodily processes. And what better way to cheer her up than to hold a professional make-over!

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