Can anyone explain these symptoms?

My 64yr old mother is experiencing an array of symptoms which are as follows:
she have a constant vaginal itch which has be checked out by the doctor and it is not coming from thrush or any kind of related infection, this itch get worse after each bowel movement which are highly frequent & loose. she also has the obligation to urinate otfen but has no discomfort with any bodily function and is red raw around the back& front path the doctor says she have a prolapsed womb but no surgery is required at present, can this be a cause of such symptoms or is here something else that could be at work here? Please understand this is a sensitive issue so i'd appreciate, serious answers single. Thank you in mortgage!

Is this right?

Dry skin ,
Skin dries due to lack of hormonal commotion then we itch cut into and become sore
This becomes a constant cycle also she desires to cleans from front to back to stop the vagina from becoming contaminated by coliform bacterias .
Try using moist wipe the same ones used for babies are best.
I similar to Dove bath caution products that moisturise .
If Vaginal soreness is a problem go to local pharmacist and ask for a product to stop feminine itching.
The loose bowel could be a symptom of a constipated stool sophisticated up the colon causing leak around the blockage.
What is diet like dignified fibre foods might assist.
Have medical investigations be done.
Diabetes can cause severe soreness and itching.
Does your Mum drink plenty of fluids dehydration cause urine to become concentrated with Toxins that will make happen irritation and itching.
Is your Mum able to tub or it could be as she is worried that problem is hygiene
She may be bathing too much or using strongly scented soaps that could be a root make happen.
I hope your Mum feels better soon within is nothing more distressing than prolonged itchy skin.
Good luck I hope you will resolve this issue soon

High White Cell count no infection?/?

You requirement a doctor,not your mother.

Does it hurt?

I would ask for a second opinion, it requirements to be sorted it is unfair to donate anyone in such an humiliated state.
Sorry I don't know what has cause it.

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get a second assessment =if it really is a prolapsed womb and this rash is constant a Dr wants to help fix it

Where can a woman acquire a free pelvic exam?

Ask her doctor

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Sounds like the prolapsed womb could be the rationale. Im currently pregnant and because of the increased weight on your organs your bowel and urinary movements are artificial. The resulting pressure on your mums insides is a likely mete out of her symptoms, although it would be an extreme case. Hope ive help a little, but if youre still worried get hold of your mum to go spinal column to doctor.

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The most adjectives presentation of vaginal cancer is constant itchiness. Go see a doctor to rule that out.

What type of birth control do you use or recommend for a 32 year old?

she may be a forgiving of vasico-vaginal fistula or vasico rectal fistula with prolapse of uterus ,consult well-mannered gynecologist ,she may need surgery

Questions for girls solitary please?

Sounds like a diarrhea unwary. She could have a yeast infection also. Take her to a modern doctor. Go to the drug store and you can by stool hardener for her so it want be runny.Also get some Epsom brackish to soak her in. Make sure the hose is a warm plenty.

Pain in stomach with frequent urination.?

I would thieve your Mother to Casualty
There she will see a different doctor and they will run more tests to find out whats going on
Your mother cant hold on to putting up with this symptoms
they must be getting her down

Brown discharge next to high heat?

this is strictly a doctors decision as to what is best for her Hope it works out for her!! dutiful luck MUM

Question for females about the vagina?

Well, done Patricia C, she have said it all, resourcefully everything I would have contributed. The merely other thing I can sugguest is to buy shower or tub gels that are PURE, the skin can be so dried out next to most other makes. The skin does become intensely itch if DRY anywhere on the body. But she will have to step check out the prolapse with the Doctor, or Surgury Nurse if she prefers, you can do this. Good luck x

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