Pain in stomach near frequent urination.?

female-i have pissed 3 times contained by the last hour. and i hold on to getting random sharp pains in my side on the right not sure if to be exact the ovary or the appendix but i am also starting to get some twinge that is located at my belly button and runs down contained by a straight line adjectives the way to my you know what. any thinking of what is going on here? i went to the final time this happened and he ultrasound my ovary said it be fine and gave me some meds. also i have my period going on for 2 weeks ago and im about 10 days away from starting my subsequent. thanks so much

Headaches and birthcontrol pills?

That sounds of late awful.

Could you possibly be pregnant? If not, have you considered that you might enjoy a urinary tract infection (UTI)? A UTI can make you pee A LOT, but is usually accompany by a terrible sense of if-I-don't-pee-NOW-I-am-going-... and a burning sensation. Appendicitis can hand over you a pain contained by the region of your belly button.

If it keeps up, you should call upon your doctor.

I hope you feel better.

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