I m virgin..having problem during sex...warning plz...?

well.last time, i have problem during penetration...as i be so dry(my husband did lots of foreplay, fingering...but, still i was not that wet), so my husband be unable to enjoy sex with me.i plan, it was problem for inserting his penis in my vagina.this time, my one friend suggested me to use bit jonson babe-in-arms oil, so that it will be slipery and the insertation will confident and without cramp...do u think, its the right hypothesis? will it work? i m feeling terribly guilty as i am married for last some days, but powerless to satisfy my husband...he is so sweet, he say, dont take pressure own time, i dont want to hurt u...but, still i feel deeply bad...plz give support to me...

How to ask your mom for tampons?

KY Jelly works great. Also, you sound close to you're nervous for your first time, so try relaxing and allowing yourself to wallow in the feeling. That will serve you build up your natural lubrication as resourcefully.

And consider yourself lucky that you have a man that understand why you two can't have sex and doesn't push it. I enjoy the same issue (though for different reasons) and my husband is great nearly when we can't have sex.

Also, remember that near are alternative ways to give him sexual gratification except vaginal sex. If you're comfortable with the other option (stimulation, oral sex, etc.) give them a shot and see if that doesn't facilitate things along as well =)

Female orgasm during sleep?*seriuos*?

astroglide, ky.

Do herbal breast enlargment capsule really work?

Use K-Y jelly.

Cyst ruptured and is cancerous?

Ya, that stuff works great! Good luck, he sounds like a great guy! :)

Can u bleed during the first months of pregnancy?

K/Y jelly or lotion.local drugstore or walmart...

My boobs hurt.and itch..whyy!?

Get KY jelly at any store...walmart, kmart etc.

Head ache?

yea, I think the grease would work. don't feel fruitless, it's not your fault. your husband will comprehend.

Please help me. im upset :|?

There are many over the counter remedies for this problem. Go to the "womanly area" like where on earth tampons and stuff are. You'll find lots of solutions.

Lack of sex drive after going off seasonale?

tell him to kiss you and hold you more, to explore your body.
suck your toes

Bizarre niggle!! Any ideas?

Some lubrication would be a dutiful idea. You may be so like a cat on a hot tin roof about have sex that no matter what your husband does right presently, you're not going to get damp. If you can use lube and then go and get everything done, you might lose some of your nervousness, so subsequent time you won't need it. Try not to verbs. You should be fine. Good luck.

IBS & Pregnant?

Rather then babe-in-arms oil try KY Jelly - which is intended for this purpose. Also if you relax you will lubricate fluently. And once you both succeed every time after that will be easy and pleasurable. So relax..

Is fingering designed to hurt?

I don't think you should toddler oil. Go out and buy KY jelly.

Is within such a thing as?

don't use little one oil! use one of personal 2 contained by 1 massage grease or personal lube.and change possitions.

Women ONLY please! Personal Possible Pregnancy?

I would report to you to use KY. Any kind should backing your problem.

Stretch Marks?

NO. baby grease is not good. you stipulation to buy actual lube. it says on the kid oil bottle itself that its for EXternal use one and only. it could cause more irratation. im sorry that you arent drizzly enough but maybe you should stop worrying. b/c if you are eroused (cant spell) your body will form its own lube. this might be hurting your husbands ego if he thinks he cant turn you on. but dont stress. sex is suppose to be a magical experiance. specially when you are inlove. in recent times slow down and dont but this stress on yourself or you'll see sex as a bad item. but buy lube. its made for internal use also. baby grease bad. appropriate luck. and relax.

I am19 yrd and my last sexual intercourse be in feb 12th and my menstual to show on feb 28th it be no show?

Try using some KY Jelly for lubrication. Take things slowly and gently...relax as much as possible. Hope this help!

Miscarriage or what?

No to johnsons baby grease. Try KY or something similar instead. Astroglide supposedly works wonders.
Tell your husband not to push. All that does is shift your skin in front of your vaginal crack.

IntrinsaDoes Intrinsa Help Cure Female Sexual Dysfunction?

First, don't feel bleak. Almost every woman I know has have this problem. For most couples, it takes a few tries. I know one who have to "work on it" over a week before it worked!

Use personal lubricant you buy at a drug store, resembling KY Jelly. The generic brand works just as in good health as KY and is cheaper. That should work better than baby grease, because it doesn't absorb into your skin immediately. Dryness is NOT a big deal, it happen with closely of women. It has to do near your hormones; you are naturally dryer some times of the month, depending on your estrogen level!

Also if he tries to go straight within for the first time, it might hurt a lot if you are a virgin. We read this in a book and it worked. lay flat on your pay for, and have him enter at a downward angle. It sounds grotesque but it works! It bypasses your hymen (sort of), so he'll actually know how to enter you without you opinion a lot of discomfort.

Please relieve im in twinge!!?

There are a few women who have trouble beside vaginal dryness, so dont feel unpromising. If it is a everyday thing, and not sexual, try some Vagisil. But for sex:

Baby grease is a bad hypothesis. It can irritate you if it gets within ur vagina, plus itll thin the condom (if at hand is one). Try Ky Jelly, you can get it anywhere u can find condoms AND tampons (target, cvs).
Once you apply that (on the outside, and a tad at the opening), entering you should be no problem for him (after extensive foreplay, of course). SInce youre a virgin, near will b a bit of pain when he breaks your hymen, and when ur enter for the first time. But after a few thrusts, your vagina will conform to his penis, and you both will have consumated the marriage ceremony! congratulations!!

Happy humping!

Pads Work?

Well, instead of using baby grease, you should purchase some specific sexual lubricant. If you got something close to ky or astroglide they work very very well, so hopefully they will be able to serve you.

Good Luck! And Congrats on getting married! :)

I have be experiencing vomitting also i have be bleeding as if im on my period but its dull and for 2 days

Using any type of baby grease is a bad belief. It say directly on the bottle that it is not to be taken internally (which is exactly what you would be doing here case). There are many other option for vaginal dryness. KY gel, Electroglide, and many generic brands are made specifically for intercourse and shouldn't wreak a problem.
And, don't feel impossible about man dry. It is actually a technically common problem that have very little to do near arrousal. If it persists after I would advise seeking a professional evaluation. Your doctor can tell you if it is a more serious problem. Good Luck.

Worrying so much give or take a few my period! Please backing girls 8(?

Baby oil is a unpromising idea, never use products that are not intended for that, here are several ways to lubricate that area is not big concord, many women hold same problem, its normal that some days you'll necessitate that extra help lubricating, use K-Y jelly or other product intended for that, also can use condoms that already enjoy lubricator or your husband can help you lubricate it next to his mouth, it will add extra pleasure and is raw. Don't feel discouraging, if you are virgin is probably that you're so nervous that's why you quality that are not well lubricated.

Can you pee next to a tampon on?

go to the local adult store they enjoy a brand of lubricant called WET it works really capably. or go to the local walmart or drug store and buy some astro slip or ky. and don't let this little problem totally ruin yalls sexual experience stuff approaching this happens. in recent times try to relax and enjoy it.

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