What are these lumps?

i seem to hold 4 lumps in a cluster at the entrance to my vagina-they're huge enough that i can see them surrounded by the mirror when i look. they are a deep red and are complex to the touch. i originally thought the redness might be thrush as ive lately finished anti biotics for a kidney infection but after seeing the lumps im not so sure. i will probably end up have to go to my doctor but does anyone own a heads up on what i might be told they are?

Losing Virginity Pain?

you already said it, you should travel and see you doctor as soon as you can, don't let any one terrify you with their presumptions of what the lumps are.
it could be anything but doctor will update you what it actually is.

Does it nouns like i may be pregnant? ARGH : S?

Sorry to right to be heard, but it could be herpes or warts. Talk to your doctor asap. Don't enjoy sex with anyone until the doctor tell you what it is for sure. Both are manageable, and you can obtain through this. Be sure to use safe sex. Good luck.

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Sounds like it could be an STD- I would see your doctor as soon as possible.

~Girls How Long?~?

Probably a short time ago cysts, but I would still go to your Doctor to create certain

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