I am a 19 yr outdated girl and i am suffuring from swelling.what should i do and why it is happen.?

i am 19 yr old girl.it happened from 5 months ago.ist time when it ensue i have a pain within my belly/amdominal.i cant understand what happen to me.next i consult to a doctor he said that i have ulcer.

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it happen when your stomach produces 2 much acid irritating and eating away the epithelial cell that line your stomach. avoid foods rich in caffiene, milk, avoid stress, drinking and alocohol. hold your meals on time and avoid intake just before bed. most importantly tke medication as prescribed by the doctor

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It can appear from a number of reasons but don't grasp too upset unless it is really advanced if you make some changes surrounded by your life style it will keep it from getting worse. Do you drink alot of soda? I know that soda and really spicy foods trade name it worse so if you cut back on those (for a while) it will give your stomach time to restore to health itself. If your ulcer is advanced or they run in your loved ones you might talk to your dr about medication that help/prevent it. I know that it is rather different for everyone but it might take some time to figure what sets the cramp off. Try taking a break from cofee, soda, chocolate and anything super spicy for a few weeks and see if that doesn't help you. Just hand over yourself a chance to heal and consequently slowly reintroduce each of those back and if you seize a flareup then make the change in your diet accordingly

What could be wrong?

Unlikely to be stress at your age ulcer are often caused by a microbes. There is a saying "feed the ulcer" implication the pain from the ulcer go away when you have just eat. and returns when the intestines are not digesting food.
A local anesthetic is applied to the throat and a small camera swallowed to view it.
A gastric (stomach) sample is taken next to a tool attached to the camera and the sample analyzed. If you have an carbuncle caused by bacteria contained by your stomach you will need a course of tablets (medication) that dissolves the ulcer in about a week... good luck

Im contained by pieces , since iv realize my boy is stuttering!?

Dear Shahlil,

Has your doctor confirmed this next to a blood test for the stomach ulcer microbes Helicobacter Pylori?

The majority (~80%) of stomach ulcers are caused by a bacterium call helicobacter Pylori. This bacteria causes mess up to the stomach lining resulting in ulcer.

Increased ulceration can also be caused by stress and stomach acidity.

The bacterial rationale of this disease can be treated with specific antibacterial agents but you need to know if the sore is bacterially caused or not.

Ask your doctor how they know you have an swelling and make sure they have diagnosed you properly. If they refuse permission for then I suggest you get a second inference because tummy pains can be caused by a variety of triggers for example you may be intolerant to dependable foods or chemicals used in foods or you may have have a gastrointestinal bug that just didn't result in loose bowels.

I hope that these links abet.







Why do i be aware of depressed adjectives the time?

Did you ever try to starve yourself at one point? Went without eating or ate extremely unhealthy. Only you can answer that question, but that's mostly potential what happened.


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