Is it past the worst to discontinue the Nuvaring?

I've been getting closely of very glum symptoms on the nuvaring, including making my already hypoglycemic self less glucose tolerant. It be the only form of birth control the doctor would dispense me. Now, I am SO ready to remove it!

The ultimate time my husband and I had sex be last dark, but all that come out was pre-sperm. Thanks to the nuvaring I own no sex drive. I had my ring free spell week thursday the 31st thru thursday the 7th. During that week we fully "climaxed" about two or three times.

The ring have been surrounded by for about 6 days in a minute. Is it safe to remove the ring today? Or would it be best to dawdle 2 more weeks till I need to pocket it out? We're not considering kids for the next 3-6 years.

Really abnormal question?

Don't run it out unless you want to risk having kids. Since it releases a low dose continually, removing it would stop the dose (equivalent to stop taking the pill), If you do remove it, hold your husband wear a condom, until you are on another form of birth control.

Ask your doctor about finding another birth control, be firm and explain the situation, and your doctor should provide you near alternatives.

Is it possible to have nite time hot flashes as long as 20 years after menopause? they appear nightly.?

it is safe to discontinue use near your doctor's advice. ring up & ask.

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