New to sex ask...need support...Im totally confused!?

Me and my girlfriend just rectently started have sex. Well we have have sex probably 4 or 5 times so far. Well each time she told me she feel a little dull pain. We already expected that.well here is the problem. The end time we did it, she says that it feel like I be going further then up to that time and then she have a weird burning sensation. She said it be like self burned by somthing cold or somthing. Like cold air, later she was puffed out. She was contained by a lot of throbbing, but no blood, what could have cause this? I didnt do anything different then I did until that time.

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if her hymen have not been broken beforehand it could have be the first couple of times you had not broken it any. its a membrane that when broken or torn will feel a moment ago like when you cleave skin on the outside. you get that sensation of burning but later will also feel mode of strange. unless you are unusually large, any length or circumference then you cannot shift 'too far'. you have to remember if she be a virgin her vagina is not used to self penetrated like that and it could be out of fretfulness she is dry down there. a woman's body when getting primed to have sex usually produces a natural lubricant so that the mannish member slides surrounded by easily and doesn't violate or cause friction to the straitlaced membranes. just rob is slow and easy and use a lubricant if basic. one thing though, i don't know how infirm you are but be careful. other use a condom or either she be on the pill or some form of birth control. pulling out does not work ! a mannish always have a little sperm escape until that time actual ejaculation so she can get pregnant. other use some protection, always.

Bladder infection in need pain peeing?

i would achieve one of those books that tells u correct positions and perchance go to thedoctor and see what the problem is...if u are the right age.

So todays birth control pill fell down the sink drain?

Maybe you are too big for her? lol

How can you bring up to date when a woman is having an orgasim?

use more lubricant.

Question.Please Help!?

tell her to dance to her gyno soon...burning is not good...and the gasping if just cuz sex is resembling exercise...and it takes alot of joie de vivre

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