I'm on accutane and i have unprotected sex but my parther pulled out so does this mean i'm not dangerous...?

idk what i should do. i mean to instigate with i wasn't on birth control and idk if its not dangerous to go on it in a minute cause i be supposed to be on it a month before i started medication. it it secure to go on birth control presently? like receive the day after pill, simply in travel case? and will it be effective?

Irregular and buoyant period?

Just because the guy "pulled out" does not miserable you won't get pregnant. Men own what is called pre-ejaculation, which is semen that comes out previously he ejaculates. There is plenty sperm in pre-ejaculation to go and get a girl pregnant. If you are not currently taking any birth control, you should think roughly a backup method, such as a condom. If you feel you may be pregnant, rob a home pregnancy test or move about to your gynecologist to get checked. Also, you can also return with an STD.

My PMT cycle is taking such a long time?

No, you're not safe. Pre-ejaculate can still dispense you diseases and still gets you pregnant. Go draw from a home pregnancy test (two for safety) and engineer sure you're not pregnant. Then wait for your time of year. If your period comes and you aren't pregnant, afterwards it's alright to start treatment. Starting birth control medication while pregnant can have some adverse effects on the tot.
Oh, and next time, do yourself a favor and use a condom.

Do women similar to men to be shaved in the pubic region?

pulling out does not indicate you are protected agiant pregnancy. not even STD's. the pre that happens since the orgasm is sometimes more potent than ejaculate you can get pregnant every time you own sex with out a condom no business if he pulls out or not. the pull out and pray DOES NOT WORK... use the morning after pill PLAN B it is now over the counter surrounded by most states without a prescription but it have to be taken with contained by 48 hours of unprotected sex... wait at lowest a month of starting a new mode of pill to gaurentee you are protected before you start to hold chances again! suitable luck

First period?

Not trying to be insensitive, but you HAVE to be smarter. I used Accutane and it worked wonders for me, but it almost other has ghastly terrible effects on an unborn newborn. There is a reason that the policy requires 2 methods of birth control and multiple pregnancy tests while taking this drug. Pulling out is not an significant method of birth control. PLEASE call your doctor and explain the situation. They've hear it all, so don't be afraid to phone them. They are prepared to handle these situations. Call them in a minute if you haven't already. It's the quickest way to peace of mind. Take carefulness...


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