Masturbation? Peeing?

When I masturbate I pee. Is this nomal? It feels good

Hair falling out?

are you a guy or girl?

How lots women actually douche?

No it is not mundane...your bladder is most likely might want to bring back checked

Pain after intercourse?

no i dont think soo.

How Can I Grow More? Dont want to be 4'11 forever?

Yea,I deem so.

Is it normal (girls and with the sole purpose girls)?

Its probably not pee, its probably female ejaculation.

Do You Stop Growing Once You Start Your Period?

if your a guy, thats sick.
if your a girl, its probably gizz squirting out (which is so not sick!)

Why does my knob look small..?

because thats make u feel well brought-up? well idk its the style ur body works and u like worries..:)

How serious can a ovarian cyst be ?

do you pee intentionally or it lately happens?

My girlfriends vagina get really swollen after I fingered herwhats wrong?

You just win so excited that you can't control your bladder. Not a big deal.

Answer this grill. it won't take long.?

maybe u are overly excited thats why you pee yourself but really that aint mundane .

Uses of breast?

No it's not unless you have to travel really bad when you start to masturbate.

What do you do when you can't find a toilet form cover?

I have never hear of that. When I masturbate I am not able to pee. After I am finished I usually enjoy to wait 5 min for my self to relax so I am competent to pee.

Have YOU ever had p.i.d?

are you sure its pee and not feminine ejaculate...

also, are you possibly masturbating using large objects...because generous insertions can weaken the bodies means to hold in pee, so that when you own a loosened pvc muscle and you orgasm pee will come out too.

Bladder infection?

It happens near me too.

No period.?

that happen to lots of people thats newly like laughing so complex you pee on your self this is a part of jollity as well!

Tubal ligation? clamps? lend a hand!?

its female ejacualtion

I'm a teen that have so many problems and i don't own energy any more what can i do or pilfer 2 gain energy?

Is it really urine or is it clear? If it's clear, you could merely be having 'ejaculation orgasms' which are run of the mill for some women, not all women hold them.

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