Have YOU ever have p.i.d?

if so what does it feel close to because i think i might enjoy it. im going to the doc this week but would like to own some insight

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If you meditate you have PID you stipulation to go to a doctor right immediately. If you don't get it treated and you enjoy it you will end up contained by the hospital on IV antibiotics. This is not something that can wait it is considered an emergency situation if you truely deliberate you have it.

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no i haven't but i have got TBD - To Busy Disorder.

Serious answer plz?

yes...tight abdo pain usually contained by the side (was for me) and irregular bleeding
PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

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Hi I had P.I.D, mine feel like I be being kicked constantly contained by my left ovary, it be making me feel sick. I be doubled over in stomach-ache I couldn't walk it be that bad, my stomach be also really swollen I looked pregnant it was that big. I go to my doctors who done pregnancy test and hose test both be fine, they told me to go pay for the day for an internal. The cramp was so beyond the pale I ended up going to hospital and I'm glad I did I be put on antibiotics for a week they cleared this up, but it could have be so much was if I have left it, it can effect your fertility and rationale ectopic pregnancies. Get it sorted asap, don't ever wait when their is a problem down stairs.

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Testyzozo is a moron.
p.i.d. stands for pelvic inflammatory disease, openly at least one answerer on this page have never heard of it. Your doctor will ask you for your symptoms and may charge a pelvic ultrasound to see if you have any abnormality. It is a common disorder among women. You might own abdominal pain, support pain and hurting urination and abnormal bleeding.
Take a look at this site:www.emedicinehealth.com/p...

Hope this help!

Vaginal help?

I have an idea that i have it at the moment. I've have a discharge for a while now and i go to the hospital with shooting pains in my belly and vaginal bleeding, thought i was have a miscarriage but i was ok and not pregant!! They be useless tho, told me it might be pid, or it could be a bladder infection but they gave me antibiotics and referred me for blood test. I took the antibiotics for a few days but it seems to own come back. :-( Its cause by bacteria mortal forced into the vagina during sex (although it is not sexually transmitted) and can be treated by a 1/2 week course of antibiotics. If you want email me and let me know what symptoms you hold and i'll let u know if i draw from the same (its a bit more personnal than discussing it over the web!!) but i can't tell u for sure if you enjoy it as the stupid doctor at the hospital couldn't even diagnose me with it! lol. x

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