My girlfriends vagina get really swollen after I fingered her...whats wrong?

She says it feel sore/burning, and its really swollen to the point where it hurts to step. She was freshly on an airplane. Could this have anything to do beside it? Or could it be something else?

Weird problem?

Most likely it is from too much friction and over stimulation. Tell her to soak contained by a warm or cold wet. Which ever feels better. If it doesn't clear up after a morning or so, she should see a doctor to make sure it isn't anything worse. I wouldn't verbs though. Whatever happens, other wear protection and be safe!

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Being on an airplane have nothing to do near it. Did you have dirty fingers? Maybe it be something on your fingers. Have her go to the doctor.

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It's normal. It's basically from the friction. I'm guessing you were doing it for a long time. She'll be fine by morning.

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dude i think your girlfriends posted like question check it out i ansered her and very soon u look..

I can barely surface any pleasure..?
Like two weeks ago... my boyfriend was fingering me, and after i kind of verbs on top of him and after my side kinda feel resembling it has pressure on it.
The subsequent day we be at it again, and this time it kinda hurt when he fingered me so i thought it was his fingernails. When I wipe myself there be a little blood, approaching two spots that were close to pink. I wiped again and within was no more. But very soon when i get fingered it hurts for a time and i barely discern any pleasure in it.

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don't be so rough and slow down and a little lube might aid

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Do you have long fingernails...may enjoy caused some injury if so. She should see her doctor.

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You broke it, immediately kiss it until all the anguish is gone.

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It could be two things. Your fingernails could be a little long, and you might hold scratched her. Sometimes a scratch will feel similar to it's burning.

The other thing is, if she get really turned on but didn't have an orgasm, in that could be some extra blood down there (think blueballs, but the womanly version). Some women get swollen when they seize turned on. The contractions of an orgasm force that excess blood out and back to the rest of the body. For some women, if they grasp turned on and don't climax, they will get cramps or perceive like they're swollen.

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lmfao i chew over u had some gentle of substance on your fingers or maybe you didnt cut your fingernails but i believe you should take her to the doctor you dont want her to find worse and next time bathe your hands! soap and sea or hand sanatizer!

Gynaecological affliction?

Wash your hands subsequent time. That is a very sensitive nouns and chemicals on your hands can wreak an allergic reaction. That nouns is made for sex, not chemicals. Nothing wrong with her, it's you dear.

You are greeting, I always appreciate politeness.

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you probably basically scratched her with your fingernails it is critical that you keep them clipped when you do this bc you can score her and she can get an infection from it.

Only answer if you are a feminine or a male who know quite profoundly about the feminine reproductive systemHelp!!?

Your hands be most likely dirty, even if you wash them, you could of had somthing on them that give her some kind of infetion. My warning, get her to the gynocoligist to see what is wrong. It could be serious, especally if it's not taking attention of properly.

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might be a good notion to keep your hand to yourself.

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The airplane have nothing to do beside it. What part is swollen if it is a moment ago the outside it, more than likely be the constant rubbing and stimulation, the swelling should go down contained by a day or two. Just relay her to keep cool and dry down nearby. If the inside is irritated she may have a infection bought on by something that may own been on your mitt and that mixed with her colloquial juices cause a reaction. For the subsequent day or two view her discharge and the smell if either of the two become abnormal see the a doctor asap. Other afterwards that, this will pass.

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hey boy slow down... i aim... it sounds like ub be fingerin her to rough. or if u have nail. u couldve scratchin her while ..fingerin

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people will ask almost anything on ur hands the subsequent time.

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it because the irritation cause by withdrawal of lubricant of the vagina. next time play the clits 1st until raining before fingering. ok?

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wash your hand's man, you can NEVER be to verbs when dealing with a woman down at hand. Reminds me of the joke, "How can you make clear to when a mechanic just get lucky?" One of his finger's are clean.

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she needs to see a doctor and you inevitability to wash your hand. and don't go stickin your fingers in their if she isn't in place. and by ready, i hope you know what i mingy.

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maybe you should be adjectives those finger nail,or your doing it too knotty,make sure shes showery enough,until that time you do that.

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i had like peas in a pod problem last hours of darkness.. only minus the airplane part. i be at the hospital from 11 PM-3 AM getting it checked out (only because it took so long to get me) it only took about a partially an hour for them to deal next to me though.. they said that as long as i am a virgin, they can not think of any serious issues it could be, although it could possibly be a UTI or a yeast infection, but in the piss try-out it turned out to be neither. so they said that it is most likely an allergic criticism of some sort.. and it ice it, drink lots of hose down, and warm baths.

and also-- since you apparently deal with this problem a while ago.. i be wondering what the turn out was..? how long did it lug the swelling to go down? and did everything run back to conventional? thankssss!

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