I'm a teen that has so copious problems and i don't have life any more what can i do or take 2 gain punch?

i need recommend on what it is that i could because i want 2 have fun again..

Girls Question: how to lose mass fast and fit?

you may need to explain your problems. are they medical, turbulent etc as that may have a attitude on what is best for you. In general, be sure to bring enough sleep. chomp through a balanced diet, hold a balance between personal time and socialising. chitchat to someone about your 'problems' may abet too- if you are depressed that can really sap you energy. you could also try a multivitamin tonic or even a gp checkup

The pills and health information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes singular and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions.

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