Old Wives Tale or Legitimately True?

I once heard that Pregnant women shouldn't verbs litter boxes because it can cause birth defects when the newborn is born. Now, I personally believe that's purely a load of huey used by pregnant women to catch out of doing things but just surrounded by case, I'm wondering..Is in attendance any truth to that?


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it is true. There is a disease that a pregnant woman can capture by changing a cat litter box. Toxoplasmosis is an infection that can threaten the vigour of an unborn child. It is caused by a parasite call Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite multiplies in the intestine of cats and is shed in cat feces, essentially into litter boxes and garden soil. You can get the parasite by handling cat litter or soil where on earth there is cat feces. You can also win the parasite from eating undercooked meat (such as occasional beef) from animals infected with the parasite.

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it's true. drs notify us that when we're preggers!

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Yes, it's true. I reckon it may cause toxomplasmosis or something similar to that.

Was tested not having a babe not going through the change so what eles would trade name me make mothers milk mamo ok


Pregnant women are at a illustrious risk of toxoplasmosis.
It's caused by the protozoan toxoplasma gondii which can be found contained by cat feces.
So if a pregnant women comes in contact near cat feces that contain toxoplasma gondii they can get toxoplasmosis and bequeath it to their fetus which can cause birth defect.

Go here for more information:

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If pregnant you should steer clear of cat droppings. You can get an infection call toxoplasmosis.

There is also a rumor that you can't cuddle up with your cat, explicitly totally fine but definetly stay away from their waste.

What do u ponder? Has this happened to you beforehand?

That is true, but dont go crazy roughly speaking. Just be careful. Wear gloves, form sure the area is cleaned up afterwards, wipe up your hands etc etc things you shuld be doing while cleaning a cat box anyways. Dont throw the kitty out of the house because you found out you are pregnant, if anything own the man of the house do it, or get one of those automated cleaners. Its easier on your rear, and safer.

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How Should a Cat Owner Lower the Risk of Toxoplasmosis?

Based on an understanding of the natural life cycle of T. gondii and the role cats play in disease nouns, the following are general recommendation that cat owners expecting a child can follow:

Wear gloves when working in soil. If gloves are not worn, hands requirement to be washed thoroughly following soil contact.

Wash adjectives uncooked vegetables thoroughly.

Indoor cats intake only prepackaged food do not acquire toxoplasmosis, and the litter box, consequently, is not a source of infection.

Outdoor cats or indoor cats eating pink meat can acquire toxoplasmosis. In this situation, pregnant women should avoid changing the litter or do so lone with rubber gloves.

Change the litter on a on a daily basis basis.

Do NOT procure rid of your cat.

try :familydoctor.org/180.xml

Is this normal..?

you really shouldnt

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