Mk,*embarrased*can any girls give a hand me?

im about to be 14,and i talk to my mother about my discharge basis it was getting on my nerves inkling it,and i can feel it on my underwear,anyways,she is gonna find me pantiy liners on friday when she go to the store.
she didnt tell me,and im to embarrased to tell to her about it
it took adjectives my guts to tell her more or less my discharge.
so is it like pad?
when do i change them?
what are they for?

LADiES please help ever have an itchy clit AFTER yeast infection?

Panty liners are immensely thin, small pad you wear just resembling a regular period wipe. Lots of ladies wear them just for the origin you mentioned, because they have a slightly lashing daily discharge and don't want to mess up their panties. They are also a great channel to protect yourself when your period is due, but hasn't started and you aren't sure when it will arrive. Saves other more embarassing moments from arranged. You ordinarily put a fresh one on in the morning when you get dressed, and depending on the discharge, you may wear it adjectives day, or can tweaking it when you decide it's needed. Theres no need to touch embarassed about discussion about this next to your mother. This is the same individual who changed your diapers, after all. And she's womanly, which means she already know about it adjectives. It's not like anything you are going to ask or update her is going to make her ears stumble off. Or yours, for that business. Your mom has guided you pretty capably in enthusiasm so far, I'd say. This thing should be no more a source of discomfort for you than potty training was. You weren't embarassed afterwards, you need not be in a minute either. A mom's career is to see that you learn everything you stipulation to know, including the good, desperate and ugly, and the squirmy subjects as ably. This is not about sex, dear- it's in the region of anatomy and biology. If mom doesn't tell you, who else will you trust to endow with you the answers you need? So when the panty liner arrive, ask what ever you want to know. I promise, nobody will croak from the asking or telling.

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Panty liners are little tiny contracted pads that you put surrounded by your underwear. Change them several times per day. They block the discharge and absorb it so it doesn't go and get on your underwear. They are also great for when you period catch you unaware and you are protected some.

BIRTH CONTROL comfort!!!?

You stick them on your panties so they are between you and the fabric. And they are severely thin, you won't even discern it once its on.

They'll collect the discharge instead of it getting on your panties.

Just change them when you use the rest room if they own discharge.

Follow up from my question of what would you do?

to keep hold of from the discharge ruining your underwear its worn inside your underwear
you can wear it the whole time but i recommend you change it every 6-7 hours its different fomr pad because pads are alot more thicker and pad are only used for your time

Question about bladder infections?

They are similar to pad. Basically they are thin strips, and you should money them about as repeatedly as you do a pad. (I exchange mine every couple hours) Hope this helps!

True or false?

Pantyliners are merely a very sinewy pad that will hold on to your underwear clean. Change them when you walk to the bathroom if they look like they necessitate to be changed. Please don't be embarassed. Every girl goes through this, and it is completely mundane.

For women to answer only - question about the pill?

they are REALLY runny thing KINDA approaching pads that you put on everyday and devolution when you feel close to it is a little to drizzling down there they simply keep your panties verbs i wear them sometimes!=)

Anyone tried these vitamins and do they work?

They are the same as pad, just seriously thinner for times when you're not having your interval but still need something. You variation them a few times a day- probably whenever you go to the bathroom.

Why is my term late?

panty liners
are to place in underpants
in casing of any type of discharge
yeast infections, menstral blood flow,

I haven't had my time of year since March 3rd.(It's my first year).?

they are to keep the discharge sour ur undies, u change them relatively often

The dianette pill and breast growth?

alright become quiet down, they are sort of like a wad except they are WAY thinner and are made for when you think you are more or less to get your extent, just surrounded by case you start and it catch you off guard. They are pious for d/c too. They keep your underwear cleaner, longer. You freshly have to loose change them every time you go to the bathroom. Good luck! hope i help!

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they are smaller then pad and you just put them within your underwear and change your pantyliner several times a sunshine. dont worry in the region of it..its NO big deal to wear pantyliners!!

Has anyone else feel like they be going nuts from taking Yaz? (an existenstial crisis or im going crazy)?

You will get a white discharge adjectives of the time, no matter what you do. All women return with this (especially when you are younger)Panty linersliner are like really slight pads. They serve not to get it on your underwear, but you can still grain it. It is something you will now own to deal next to for the rest of your life! I dislike it too but you get used to it. The aim it happens is because your body is constantly wash out its vagina (the body does it naturally). Pretty soon you will say to heck near the Panty liners and newly live with it!

I cannot Believe my Eyes?

They are cracked pads and you can alter them every few hours.

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