Black Menstral Blood?

If someone who does not have menstral problems in general starts having problems taking a long time to start and when they do start at first their menstral is black. Does this plan something could be wrong such as the start of menapause or infertility or something? Even though they are in their early 30's? We could not find anything beside answers and decided to ask. Thanks

Question for women give or take a few orgasms?

i always enjoy menstrual problems, I used to get that, where on earth it was so dismal and thick it be black, and eventually i learned i have polycistic ovaries, i had the cists removed and i don't seize that as much, i'm not sure if that even had anything to do next to it, but i still get it sometimes, arbitrarily and i've had it checked and i'm fine. I hope your ok, I'd run and get checked only be be save if i be you, since you havn't had it previously. Hope thats of some help or comfort?! :)

Help please girls?

The conventional menstrual blood is red, liquid, rather sticky, almost resembling arterial blood; according to some authors, it should not coagulate, whereas others look upon the presence of coagula in the menstrual fluid as something quite intuitive. As a general rule the menstrual blood, as regard color, quantity, intensity of the flow, differs other from one period to the other. It is successively outstandingly red, less red, grey like hose down, black, thick, viscous or fluid. Sometimes those change can be traced to distinct causes, such as a perceptive disappointment, after which the flow becomes any more scanty or more copious, or the color of the blood change; in spasmodic affections the blood is paler; contained by scrofulous persons it is mean, paler, less consistent, if not thick and black. Among chlorotic individuals it is almost other watery, white, causing scarcely a washed out stain. In syphilitic affections it is likewise really often discoloured and flaxen. In eruptive, scorbutic, typhoid affections, the blood is sometimes blackish and fetid. If the blood is retained in the uterus for some time, it become black, thin, inodorous. In cancerous or herpetic affections, the menstrual blood have been agreed to possess deleterious characters, and to communicate by intercourse non-syphilitic discharges from the urethra. But in most cases it is impossible to account for the change which take place contained by the menstrual blood. Hence these changes give the impression of being of very little avail contained by establishing a general diagnosis; but they aid to point out the remedy which is most adapted to some peculiar menstrual irregularity.

Backpain @ 13?

Black menstrual blood is normal. It may not be so adjectives, but it is normal. I get hold of it quite repeatedly, I have see the doc, and there is zilch to fear. Period blood color does not determine infertility or menopause problems. Symptoms of those issues will become dominant if the problem ever become present. Menstrual blood color varies from time to time contained by each and every woman. Nothing to verbs about.

Can you offer me some tips coz i started my period concluding week and i dont really no what to do coz im only 12?

Black/dark red flow indicates hoary blood. If you are having period spaced by more than a month, this is probably why. Sometimes you pass clots/lumps, but those are completely commonplace. Flow tends to revise as we age anyway. And just in the region of the time you figure it adjectives out, it's winding down to the appendage. =>

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