Sex twice a daytime? Can you have Twins close to that?

Like having sex, surrounded by the morning and night time duplicate day..

And his semen is inside... Do you suggest it will produce Twins?

After s e x ?

no it is random. yeah it could transpire but there is no channel to really enhance your chances of getting twins. here is some information on how twins develop.

oh to the girl who said this: Most people who own twins have a history of twins in their family connections.

that is completely wrong. they are RANDOM. have nothing to do near genes or heredity.

Are ept test accurate?

no, you don't get twins that method.

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Only if you ovulate twice.

I hold belly button leakage for 2 years immediately. Why does this happen? Plz dont influence its sweat cuz this is not norm

Only if you drop 2 eggs at 2 different times. It could happen, but not probable.

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i contemplate its a matter of casual, not a matter of how lots times you have sex. however, it may lend a hand.

SERIOUS! 4 Girls but guys can answer 2!!?

HAHAHA! thats cute...


maybe but dont kow for sure

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No twins are usually genetic. Most individuals who have twins hold a history of twins in their family. You can not own twins by having sex 2 times contained by one day because you are still with the sole purpose releasing 1 egg. if by chance your body releases 2 you could hold fraternal twins.

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No, twins are produced by the splitting of the fertilized egg. This can single result from one fertilization, not two, as the amount of times you do it is irrelevent.

Kind of embarassing?

No dear, that's not how it works. Twins either crop up or they don't, but the number of times you have sex per time doesn't alter the chances.

Good luck, though!

Spot 'down nearby'?

no it will not do unless you have two fertile eggs within you.

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I don't think have it twice a day matter. Are there twins in his/your nearest and dearest? Then you have a better accident of twins. And the more he comes, more semen enters, so the break of more kids is better.

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You obligation to take a biology course! Identical twins come from the splitting of indistinguishable egg, and fraternal twins comes from you releasing two eggs in the same month...

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There are two ways to own twins. Either the woman releases two eggs, (which having sex twice will not affect) or the embryo splits into two (which, again, have sex twice will not affect). Multiple births are usually the result of fertitlity drugs and / or genes. If your family (or his) have lots of twins, there is a high-ranking possibility of you having twins as very well.

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you can not obtain twins by having sex twice within a day=you either grasp twins because two sperms got to one egg(identical twins) or you have two eggs that month(non-identical twins)

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Most of his sperm will get used up within the morning, and it takes a couple days to build up satisfactory to impregnate. And you will only carry twins if you have two eggs released or one egg splits for anything reason. If one egg is fertilized within the morning and the other one isn't, then you will solitary have one infant.

Blushing, Red Face - HELP, what can I do?

NO,no,no that is not how u hold twins (u can have sex 4 times a light of day, but still get no twins. The egg splits( that's how u may win twins,)

Hows your sex drive?

take some fertility drugs & you may have a intact litter

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i have twins and they are fraternal but i release two eggs my probability of fertilizing both increase by having sex commonly but if you didnt release multiple eggs or the egg doesn't split you wont have twins

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The number of times you have will not impact have twins. Twins are either tantamount (born from the same egg) or fraternal (two seperate eggs).

Fraternal twins are the most adjectives. So, for that to happen, both eggs stipulation to be present and are fertilized at the same time. Remember, eggs don't enjoy a very long enthusiasm span and need to become attached to the uterus (or they grasp flushed away during menstration). Your body will not produce more eggs while you are pregnant so you won't become "re-pregnanted" a couple months down the road.

Having sex more often freshly means you enjoy a higher rate of getting pregnant, but it does not increase the probability that the pregnancy will be twins.

Girls please help me!?!?

No, you want 2 eggs for that to happen (or for 1 to split). Neither of these is determined by how masses times you have $ex. Actually, its be proven that the more times you have $ex within a day, the smaller quantity your man's count will be - and the less expected you'll be to get pregnant. If your man ever have to have his count checked, the doc will ask him to abstain for 3 days so he'll grasp the best picture, that should tell you something.
If you want to hold twins, try taking a low dose of clomid, you'll release more eggs. Unfortunately there's no specific dose that does the trick, you could finale up with newly 1 egg releasing, or you could end up near 6. It's risky.

Sex while your on your period?

if this be possible my wife and i would have a minimum of 12 sets of twins and a few triplets also.

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How do you get ride of..?

no, but your guy will sure enjoy self around you more

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