After s e x ...?

My sister and I are extremely close, she is older than me, and only just started having sex. She looked-for me to ask a question around after she has sex.

When she go to the bathroom she hurts really bad. She scream because it hurts so bad...Why does it hurt really desperate?

One of my Girl friend (just friend) asking me every time how to enlarge her breast?

If it's solely burning after sex than it's just because she's not lubricated plenty. She either wants more foreplay, especially oral sex or she needs to use lube. Either KY Jelly or Astroglide will do.
If it continues to burn more than a few hours after she have sex she could have a UTI. She will requirement to see a doctor to get antibiotics. There is no other path to treat a UTI.

Is there a deoderant out near for women, that doesn't have the anti-bacterial?

It may be she is have intercourse before she is properly lubricated and the scratchy action is rubbing her natural. Urinating will really burn...badly! Since you weren't specific roughly speaking the type of pain and type of sex she is have, it's hard to really answer and bring it right.

What does it mean?

She have a urinary tract infection. Tell her to drink lots of water and cranberry liquid. It should go away on it's own.

Bleeding 2 days after peiod, on pill, no spasm, (see details) explain?

she has a urinary tract infection. try vagisil and don
't hold sex for a few days...

I'm a women janitor why do girls or women leave the toilet not flushed after a taking a * and men cant find

I would bet anything that she's not properly lubricated during sex. Tell her to try some KY Jelly or extra foreplay.

Burns on infiltration?

mayb she has a std

Help? see details..?

Maybe it is because her boyfriend give an infection to her.Also,if she has sex lacking being satisfactory lubricated,she may hurts.Or maybe it is because she only started having sex.The best entity is ti go to a doctor.

Late growth spurt?

Dont listen to the STD comment cuz thats not true she have a UTI she can buy some pure cranbary juice and that should minister to it.

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