Is it middle-of-the-road to divorce because you have realize you really don't love your spouse?



Look marriage go through plentifully of different stages trust me i know..i have be with my spouse for 14 years...surrounded by the 14 years there enjoy been times i could not stand the method he looked at me...the way he chewed...but nearby have be times he has be my best friend my everything and i do not know what i would do without him...what i am trying to influence is when you get married it is regular to go through stages when you are not sure it is a big committment and within have be times i wanted to way of walking away or he wanted to wander away but we stayed together and i am so glad we did.i suggest some counceling and some time may not work but it might and it is worth a shot but believe me you are normal but do not throw surrounded by the towel without a fracas.good luck

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i suggest so

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Try to communicate beside ur spouse and c what is what.Maybe yall need to start put a bet on dating doing some of the things that have made u stumble in love next to that person.Or is it b/c u enjoy found someone else and that why u no longer are in love near your spouse?

Why do girl come?

how sad.

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yes never stay w/ some1 if u dont love them it is cruel to them and ur self.

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yes you are why did you marry them in the first place you enjoy thought about that don't break your spouses heart some population never recover from this type of hoax

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May I suggest you examine your reasoning for coming to such a drastic conclusion? You freshly "realized" this?

Have you discussed your feelings near him? Are you just going through one of the stages of matrimonial? Are you going through any physical or emotional change?

You really need to be honest next to yourself and be fair to him.

Jim DeSantis

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You don't right to be heard how long you've been married. But since we are suppose to marry for enthusiasm then you entail to try to make it work. Marriage isn't other going to feel similar to the gooey love we had contained by the beginning but love have many different emotional state. Don't give up on your marital until you have tried everything else. Talk to him, see a counselor anything it takes. Good luck.

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